What was Jonathan Frake's tagline?

I'm pretty sure he had a tagline at the end of every episode. What was it?

[Insert witty signature here]


He would come with with a pun related to the episode before the commercial break. The only one I can remember off the top of my head was something like "is this story the truth? Or have we pulled the wool over your eyes?"


OMG, yes! He was so cheesy with those one liners.


That's right; got to love those corny puns of his, and that adorably cheeky grin he get when he's sayin' 'em! Oh, Jonathan Frakes, you jokester, you!!

And of course, he found a way of ending each episode with the words "...beyond belief. I'm Jonathan Frakes." (During the first season, James Brolin's phrase was "strange truth.")

Btw, I'm seriously going to write in his name on the next Presidential election ballot, and try to get at least a million other people to agree to do the same. x3
