new show that is similar

just saw a few seconds of some show on Sy fy network called urban legends. it has the similar idea to beyond belief. it looks like they present 3 stories one true the other false. like i said i only saw the last 5 minutes or so of the show and it looked kinda of dumb but I thought some might be interested.

Mr. Shue, let me be your Britney


No show can ever measure up to Beyond Belief. I'm sorry but something about that show even the way it comes on is just creepy. I was literally FRIGHTENED as a child when I used to watch that show knowing I won't be able to fall asleep at night but I watched them anyway. Even now that's the only legit show or movie that can scare me

No one dies a virgin, Life screws us all


It's true. I've seen that new show, and it's all right, but there will never be another Beyond Belief. You're exactly right--from the moment the intro starts, you're riveted. It's truly eerie in a way that VERY few, if any, other series are. BB gave me chills as a kid, and continues to now that I'm an adult, no matter how many times I watch.


If it is the same show that I am thinking about that airs on the History channel it doesn't measure halfway up to Beyond Belief.


Urban Legends has been around since 2007 so I wouldn't consider it "new." It's not as good as Beyond Belief but its nice to see another show still airing that is doing something similar to Beyond Belief.


^ Agreed! If only they'd pick this show back up and start making it again...*sigh* It'll never happen, but in a perfect world, it would!


Like WalletGuy mentioned Urban Legends isn't new and it originally on the Bio Channel.


I'm actually watching a marathon of Urban Legends on Syfy right now. I'm enjoying it very much...definitely the same sort of premise as Beyond Belief, with a few similarish stories. It doesn't do it as well, but it's still one of the most compelling programs of this type that I've seen. I give it an 8.5-9, while Beyond Belief is a solid 10.

I like you, Um. I like largeness...

