C'mon, someone make it happen. We have countless god awful scripted "reality tv" ghost hunter/big foot hunter shows that are a dime a dozen. Someone must be watching them, otherwise they'd cease to exist. What I'm getting at is obviously paranormal is very much in right now. So the time couldn't be better to bring back this classic. Syfy, Chiller, History Channel, one of these could be a fit. Bring back Jonathon Frakes if he's available and interested. We need new stories and a fresh modern feel. Chiller doing reruns of the same handful of episodes has gotten old.


While I'll never tire of re-watching this show, I 100% agree with everything else--if anything should be revived, it's this!! Otherwise there's something seriously wrong with TV producers...=_=


I still enjoy rewatching the classic series even after seeing the episodes numerous times (I downloaded it all and make sure to binge watch it at least once a year). I always forget which ones are 'fact' and which ones are fiction, too.

The problem with reviving this show is that true anthology type TV series are kind of obsolete - i.e., Tales from the Darkside, Tales from the Crypt, Monsters, Amazing Stories, Masters of Horror, Night Visions, etc. I think people are too into shows with ongoing stories, even with modern anthologies like American Horror/Crime Story and American Crime where the seasons are standalone rather than the episodes. People might be more likely to tune in to a series that has something that brings them back. BBFoF is very easy to get into, but the pullback isn't that strong (anymore?). On the other hand, the format of a BBFoF revival would be easier for people to get into without feeling the need to watch every episode to understand what's happening. Yet would that help the live ratings? So it could go either way.

Plus those cruddy ghost chasing type shows don't require a full writing staff or professional actors like BBFoF would.

Some things are best left in the past. I worry a new BBFoF would just lack the charm of the original. Seriously, the way the old show was filmed gives it a nice look that HD really can't replicate.


I still enjoy rewatching the classic series even after seeing the episodes numerous times (I make sure to binge watch it at least once a year). I always forget which ones are 'fact' and which ones are fiction, too.

Same here!!

I loooove Tales From the Darkside & Crypt as well. Chiller seems to run marathons of BB & TFtD every so often, but I was only able to see TFtC (and those other anthologies) thanks to YouTube. :p Which is a shame. Beyond Belief was just so well-done and compelling that I eagerly awaited each new episode. The fact that it wasn't one continuous storyline (which I admit appears to be "trendy" right now) didn't bother me because each individual plot, despite its brevity, was so skillfully developed. I was always sure to be startled, spooked, bemused, amazed, intrigued, and/or charmed five times over--and gathering new favorite stories and highly memorable ones was such fun.

But yeah, the other big thing now is the super-cheap-and-easy-to-produce 'reality show' format, and while I find some paranormal/ghost-hunting series interesting and fun (e.g., Ghosthunters, A Haunting), there's still no substitute for a good anthology show like BB--one that was scripted and acted but largely based in 'reality' (quite loosely in many cases, I'm sure!) *sigh* Even if we could get Frakes or even Brolin back to host, it might never be the same...recapturing the magic of something once it's run its original course can be very difficult. I'd love to see an attempt, and hopefully be pleasantly surprised--but I don't know how much hope to hold out. Probably shouldn't be a ton. }x

I'm thinking of attending a Star Trek convention this August...perhaps I can ask Jonathan to give me a little "For Beyond Belief, I'm Jonathan Frakes" with that twinkly, mischievous grin. He probably doesn't get tooooo many of those requests, right? xD


Beyond Belief was perfectly executed, the host, the music, the set, everything. Perfect.


Bring back Jonathan Frakes.

When I'm good, I'm GOOD. When I'm bad, I'm BETTER.
