an objective review of King cobra
I saw this movie after reading plenty of the negative reviews on IMDB so I had low expectations.
The good;
-this film had the scariest and most realistic snake of any snake movie I've seen including the Anaconda and Python movies. I've seen people slam it because the snake didn't look real enough but even the shark in Jaws looked rather fake (not claiming this is equal to Jaws or even in the same class but people need to cut films some slack and realize that not everything is 100% factual).
-a fairly good musical score
-scares: a few scenes where the snake pops out of nowhere to attack really sends chills up your spine
-Pat Moriata: I have never seen the Karate Kid so I have no bias but he definitely played a cool character
the bad:
-several Jaws rip off scenes; the scare at the beginning (though to be fair all giant predator movies seem to have attacks at the start) except done inferiorly due to breaking the rule of showing the creature on the first attack. The blatant ripoff line "we're going to need bigger guns" and the plotline of a money hungry mayor not wanting to close down an event to protect the civillians from the monster and eventual hiring of an expert of the monster in question
-some of the death scenes were long and drawn out and predictable. The director did a good job with a false scare early in the movie with using the attacker as the camera peering up to a little girl only to realize that it was her brother sneaking up on her with a rubber snake (though this may be a copy of the Jaws scene with the pranksters swimming with a a shark fin on to scare the people on the beach), we then get a long drawn out stalking of the King Cobra on the little boy. It would have worked much better to have the snake pop out of nowhere.
-we end with an unresolved cliffhanger; Seth is still alive but likely no sequel
Final grade: 7 out of 10