MovieChat Forums > King Cobra (1999) Discussion > Not too bad, but not great.

Not too bad, but not great.

I liked this movie quite a bit, but the love story between Brad & Jo was played out like a soap opera & the sex scene with the Hispanic couple in the woods was so out of place, I was rooting for Seth then. I also liked how lovable the Rambo-wannabe hunters could look when they decided to go toe to toe with Seth.
All in all, I'd give this a 6 out of 10.


I agree, it wasn't too bad of a flick, but it wasn't the best movie I've ever seen.


I liked it, too. Did anyone know that sex scene in the woods was between Iyari Limon and Efren Ramirez? The hispanic couple was Kennedy from Buffy and Pedro from Napoleon Dynamite? Wow, that's cool and weird. I actually wished I was in Efren's shoes in that scene. I cannot be the only guy who didn't.

"I am the ultimate badass, you do not wanna screw wit' me!" Hudson in Aliens.


I'm fixin' to watch it now, boy am i exited.

Coffee makes me a might nervous


Not too bad, but not great? How about: pretty bad, no extremely bad!

Im really shocked by the very fact that some people actually like this movie, i saw it on TV here the other day and i gotta tell you, its the worst movie ive EVER seen/wasted time on. What a disappointment by Mr. Miyagi, cant believe he agreed to do this movie, he must have needed the money BAD!

Low budget horror flick just aint worth it, and the snake itself? lmao..

Sucky movie2k!


I think this movie did good by building a real Cobra. The films these days use CGI snakes. But this one did a good job with it. I gave it a 10.


Are you guys serious?! That was AWFUL!....really god!
I dont think my words do justice to how bad this movie was...

Are You Watching Closely? You're an idiot.


This film sure isn't the best movie I've ever seen in my life, but its not as bad as people make it out to be.

Ramones, the best band ever.


Goes a little to silly in the end but like they said they made the effort to build a cobra instead of using cgi and in some scenes it looks pretty good plus the chiodo brothers made it who were responsible for the awesome Killer klowns from outer space i enjoyed it.


It was awful, but I can appreciate them not using any CGI.
