MovieChat Forums > King Cobra (1999) Discussion > Top 3 scenes of King Cobra

Top 3 scenes of King Cobra

3. That sweet ass dream/poison scene montage thing when king cobra is headbutting the *beep* out of mr migayi and the camera is spinning around and fading in and out... it was wild....
2. When the mayor is watching his blank tv screen and you see KC in it, and its just a very large cardboard cut out... priceless

and the number one all time moment..... the snake getting drop kicked at the end, me and the people i was watching it with lost it! truely one of the greatest moments in cinema history....


I disagree with #2 and #3. Your #1 should be all of the top 3.

Stay away from herrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.


Don't forget Erik Estrada's side-splitting turn as an over-the-top, gay as the day is long moment. I didn't know he had it in him! If only the rest of the movie could have been as entertaining as that two-minute bit!


yeah the top three needs the Eric Estrada scene and the flying head kick. Any other scene can be added for the 3rd. I haven't seen the movie in years and i STILL remember those two scenes.
