MovieChat Forums > Pi (1998) Discussion > Coloured Ending (Spoilers)

Coloured Ending (Spoilers)

I have no idea why, but for some reason I remember seeing the ending of the film - immediately after the drilling scene, in colour. As far as I remember it, as soon as he started drilling the blood that came out was red and the next 2 min, up to the ending credits, were coloured as well. I even remember discussing why and what it meant with a friend of mine.

Now, three years later, I bought the DVD for myself and decided to watch it. There was no trace of anything remotely coloured - not during the film, not in the special futures, not a word on wikia, imdb or google. My friend doesn't recall anything about that part and has misplaced his disc.

Is there a coloured version of the ending or is my mind playing some weird tricks on me?


Interesting! And you are sure you are not thinking about Memento? ;)


Oh, absolutely. Memento is one of my favourites as well, it is definitely not what I was thinking of.
