Why is 'Black Swan' rated higher than this?
I don't get the love for that movie at all. Sure, it's really cool and stylistic in its cinematography and the acting is very good, but there's endless overlong boring scene after endless overlong boring scene... Now, there are movies where long scenes benefit, like "2001", since it adds to the dramatic value, and "Primer", since there's lot of important details to clear out, but "Black Swan" doesn't seem to know where to go at all. It tries to depict a psychologically vulnerable woman but ends up trying to show off or just shock instead. The lesbian sex scene, hot as it was, made ZERO *beep* SENSE.
But this movie... has everything. A VERY interesting mathematical mystery, a sympathetic (although kooky) lead character, some EXCELLENT acting performances, hallucinations used with merit, absolutely STUNNING black-and-white cinematography and a ending which leaves things to be desired.
I didn't understand everything, but I LOVED this movie. It shows that Darren Aronofsky probably is a fantastic director if he just has the right material and script to work with. I will definitely check out "Requiem Of A Dream" some time too.