One of the Jewish men says that they are looking for a 216 letters long name. As there are more than 10 letters in the Hebrew alphabet, the 216 digits long number will not - with high probability - be long enough.
Due to the fact that there are lots of errors in the movie, I believe that this is an error as well and not a hint.
That alone makes the whole Jew quest quite unplausible, unless I've missed something.
He's right, you know. If the number is 216 digits long, and the name of God is 216 letters long, the name of God can only consist of the first ten letters of the Hebrew alphabet.
Doesn't this seem a little unlikely to you?
By the way, I loved this movie, it's just that this name of God thing didn't make much sense. This could be a meaningful error, but an error it is.
Agreed.. that was the first thing I thought of when he said 216 letters long ... as though 72514 had to be the letters that line up with 7,2,5,1,4 rather than the possibility of 7,25,14 .... for example. Or maybe they just assumed gods name was something along the lines of (insert 216 letter long spam consisting only of abcdefghij)
The Hebrew alphabet only has 22 letters, so that leaves only 7,2,5,14 and 7,2,5,1,4 as possibilities. Only having to choose between those two makes life a bit easier.
Not necessarily only the first 10 letters. If using the english alphabet, 1=A, 2=B,..9=I, 10=j, 11=k... just because you see two ones, doesnt mean its AA, could be one K.
Not as unlikely as using Pi to figure out the nature of the universe, going mad from the revelation and drilling into the human brain yet still surviving.
There's a little thing you've heard of that might explain this, it's called filmmaking...
Actually, a lot of this goes back to the creation story with Lilith. There exists a story of Eden where Adam was the first man and asked God for a partner. God sent him an angel, Lilith. However, Lilith did not consider Adam her superior, nor even her equal. When it became too much for her, she uttered the true/unknowable name of God and disappeared from Eden. Based on some numerology, God's name is comprised of 216 elements. Stories go on to say that Lilith returned to Eden and was the serpent who tempted Eve. Even the Sistine Chapel has a painting of Lilith within one of the creation depictions.
Remember, Genesis is a compilation of many creation stories. Old Testament descriptions of angels are not of beautiful "people" with wings like a dove. Most descriptions of angels are horrifying. There was a war in Heaven. Some stories suggest Lilith started the war: she uttered God's true name, directly calling on all the power of the Lord, to return to the angels. When she told them that God favored man to them, some of them assumed free will and rebelled. The angels angered by man were cast to another place, which later was combined with other stories to become Hell. Lilith's tales were dropped from the stories compiled to form the Tanakh and certainly overlooked for the Old Testament of the Bible.
Just for fun: 216 is 6 x 6 x 6. Not that 666 from Christianity's Revelations is related in any manner, but interesting.
I've seen this claim by many people in this sub forum. I don't understand why anyone would assume that the digits would represent a string of letters and/or even letters.
What we do know is that we have (if we assume that the 216 digit name must not be padded by 0s in the beginning, and its being base 10 as suggested in the movie): M = 999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999 m = 100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
and that any combination of hebrew letters which sums up to >= m, <= M is a possible name of god.
Given the tables i can find of hebrew numerical values it seems to be letters for 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,20,30,50,60,70,80,90,100,200 in range for this problem. So the longest name that would match this rule would consist of 999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999's Alef's (letter with numerical value of 1).
How can this not be long enough for you?
To be honest the holy person if he would speak out this name would probably never come out alive, even if was accepted as the proper name of god..
It was stated clearly near the end of the movie that the fabled name consists of 216 letters (!) to be uttered in their correct order by a legitimate "pure" individual. So either a quite dumb name for god or dumb film writing.
Point is you are thinking about the name as alphabetical letters, not as the kabbalah myth guys in this movie explains hebrew. The letters for them are irrelevant or rather just a result of the equation system where the meaning is the number. Why else would they spend so much time in the movie teaching him the kabbalahs axiom of hebrew?
Also remember that the broken machine started to print a huge series of nonsense - far more than 216 alphabetical characters for sure.
Yeah, you're right. As the IMDb trivia section reveals, the number that Max hand-writes on paper is different from the one that appears on the computer screen. The on-screen one has 218 digits. Max's number is 216 digits. Max's number is also very different from the 218 character one that you have transcribed for us.
Now, for a brief aside into pareidolia...
Frequency analysis on your 218 digits reveals that it includes: 19 occurrences of the digit '1' 37 occurrences of the digit '2' 19 occurrences of the digit '3' 27 occurrences of the digit '4' 25 occurrences of the digit '5' 22 occurrences of the digit '6' 21 occurrences of the digit '7' 18 occurrences of the digit '8' 18 occurrences of the digit '9' 12 occurrences of the digit '0' With the exception of digits '1' and '3' this shows a constant decrease in the frequency as the digits get higher. Those two exceptions occur precisely 19 times each. Does 8 out of 10 make for significance? Probably not.
Frequency analysis on Max's hand-written 216 digits shows that there are: 26 occurrences of the digit '1' 13 occurrences of the digit '2' 29 occurrences of the digit '3' 16 occurrences of the digit '4' 29 occurrences of the digit '5' 22 occurrences of the digit '6' 23 occurrences of the digit '7' 13 occurrences of the digit '8' 26 occurrences of the digit '9' 19 occurrences of the digit '0' The most immediate observation here is not that of a clear trend, but that all of the frequency counts end in 3 or 6 or 9 (i.e. 13, 16, 19, 23, 26 , 29). Except for the digit 6, of which there are 22. Further, if we re-arrange the digits in the order of the frequency of their occurrence, the new order is: 2/8,4,0,6,7,1/9,3/5 (slash indicates the numbers are of identical frequency, hence interchangeable in this ordering) It is immediately obvious that this ordering puts the five even digits first and the five odd digits second.
The digit 6 occurs 22 times in both the 218 digit set and Max's set. 0 and 8 are relatively infrequent in both sets. 5 occurs relatively frequently in both 2 occurs infrequently in the 218 set, but very frequently in the 216 set.
Aha! I didn't notice a point where we could see all of Max's hand-written digits. Can you give me a running time to that point, or do you have the 216 digits you can pop into a reply? _____ I don't have a dog. And furthermore, my dog doesn't bite. And furthermore, you provoked him.
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OK. I admit that I'm late to the party but what is the significance to the number 216? Why not 217 or 37 or a googolplex? What is the rationalization (even to a non-rational person/organization and I'm not saying that he/they are not rational) for that number? This is a genuine question. I'm not just trying to stir the pot.
One of the Jewish men says that they are looking for a 216 letters long name. As there are more than 10 letters in the Hebrew alphabet, the 216 digits long number will not - with high probability - be long enough.
Yeah, I wondered about that too. I slept through most of the middle part of the movie though, so I missed a lot.
I choose to believe what I was programmed to believe reply share