
i almost feel the mans pain! such a brilliant story and excellent acting!
made on almost zero budget, this film shows raw talent of an idea put on film!
a great piece for any budding film maker to try to outdo! (they wont)!


You can now read The Nine Billion Names of God by Arthur Clarke. Its short story(only few pages) on which Pi is based on :)


thanks:) just read it! we cant have someone working it out or it all ends! gave ma sense of calm reading that as i watch the wind through my blinds...great story. i see how arnofsky has the storys premise from....infact i want to see a re-make with the indian monks ;) thanks again


I just re-read it. As I read the last line, I remembered it. A fascinating short story with one of the most amazing and poetic final lines of all time. Thanks again!

Schrodinger's cat walks into a bar, or doesn't.


I've read a lot of Clarke, but I don't remember that one. I'll have to check it out. Thanks.

Schrodinger's cat walks into a bar, or doesn't.
