MovieChat Forums > Pi (1998) Discussion > Why did he kill/disabled himself?

Why did he kill/disabled himself?

Either I view the ending as a suicide or just getting rid of the "superpowers", I don't understand the significance of it.

He did seem to think that this knowledge of the name of god was given to him and that he's worthy of it. So why he gave it away? Couldn't he have used it to make the world a better place? Did he just gave up at the end? What does that tell us?



I'm assuming the number/power was driving him absolutely insane, As sol had mentioned. So he couldn't take it anymore.

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Did he really kill himself?
Or was it just part of a hallucination/dream that he experienced during a migraine attack?

I intially thought he did kill himself. But then there he was in the next scene. So I figured that meant he didn't really die.
Of course, everything that happened in the whole movie could have just been a daydream he had while in the park, until he snapped back to reality in the last scene.
(If it had been a bigger-budget studio film, I might have thought that that final scene was forced in by the studio because they were afraid viewers would hate a film that ended with a suicide like that so much that the film's box office take would have been annihilated. But it was low-budget enough that it seems doubtful a producer or studio type would have been that involved in that kind of decision.)


Hopefully so that nobody would ever be tempted to make a sequel.


that was the point man

he let go

he didn't need it

clearly all it did was cause him trouble and also attract a TON of all the wrong kinds of attention to the point where there was nothing enjoyable left in his life because everything was consumed by his obsession and saw numbers and math in everything

but then he "communed with god" or like however you want to interpret that (it's late this is the best descrip i can come up with abt the Number coming to him and him staring at the sun / he made a direct connection) and reached a sort of enlightenment and now he can just live his life and take things as they are without being eaten alive by everything all the time

i feel like his obsession with the numbers and his Episodes were also connected. remember that he documented the myriad drugs and techniques that he'd tried to cure himself but none of it worked before

anyway another thing is that the thing with the drill had an actual basis in reality
some time ago (not sure when, middle ages or before?) when people were "crazy" it was believed that they had demons / evil spirits in their heads, so as treatment they would get a hole drilled into their skull to let them out. what was actually happening was brain trauma because of pressure from the skull and drilling the hole would relieve that pressure. it's called trepanning
