Why 'Pi' ?

Did this movie actually have anything to do with the number pi? I think it was mentioned that the old guy used to research it, but is that significant in any way? I thought the movie would be focused on pi in some way, but it was focused on the 216 digit number instead. I really liked the movie but the title Pi confuses me.


pi is the most popular math constant. That`s all.


Pi cannot be resolved. It goes on endlessly, and is representative of the mysteries of mathematics. Really this movie mentions the golden ratio a lot more, but the general public isn't as aware of that so pi it is.

"I'll book you. I'll book you on something. I'll find something in the book to book you on."



Pi cannot be resolved. It goes on endlessly, and is representative of the mysteries of mathematics. Really this movie mentions the golden ratio a lot more, but the general public isn't as aware of that so pi it is.
The golden ratio (a.k.a. phi) is algebraic*, so it's more "regular" and not as mysterious and endless as pi is (so even if phi was more readily known with the general public, it wouldn't top pi in conveying the themes of the movie).

[*] Note: phi = ( 1 + sqrt(5) )/2
On the other hand, pi is a trancendental number and cannot be expressed in a similar way.

Joe Satriani - "Always With Me, Always With You"


Well the old man came across the 216 digit number while trying to find a pattern in pi, but it also nearly killed him. So pi represents a torturous experience of mathematicians because there are no patterns in it (besides the fictional God/life number sequence). It's not too far of a stretch to name the movie pi, but I'm sure they just thought it would be a cool title too and didn't bother trying to think up a single word would best describe the whole concept of the film.



you are correct.

Pi had nothing to do with anything at all in the movie.

it is not related to the golden ratio at all. period.

it just sounds interesting and most people do not know math so it worked.


Actually pi and phi are related in many elegant ways.
For example, pi = 5 arccosine(.5 phi)


Nice. I like how when people don't understand or see an obvious connection they assume it's all crap.


Nice. I like how when people don't understand or see an obvious connection they assume it's all crap.
To be fair, the identity "pi = 5*arccosine(phi/2)" (or simpler: cos(pi/5) = phi/2 ) didn't have anything specific to do with the movie (although that wasn't xchar's point, of course). Moreover, all numbers are connected to one another in some way. So, the idea that "it's all crap" (which nobody in this thread really said, it's merely you who brings that idea up) is still not disproven.

Joe Satriani - "Always With Me, Always With You"


It doesn't have much to do with Pi, but Pi is a more familiar (yet similar) concept to the general public.
