MovieChat Forums > Pi (1998) Discussion > Dull *beep* that could've been more

Dull *beep* that could've been more

They fücked this up with an unintuitive, predominantly dull theme of some mysterious number of 200 digits. Um, what normal person gives a shít?

Here's an idea, make a film about infinite data compression. Any genius who can figure out how to compress a RAR over and over again to a few bytes and decompress without loss would become the new Nikola Tesla. Most revolutionary discovery since electricity.

The fücking implications of being able to compress information infinitely would redefine the whole goddamn fiber of existence.

THERE'S an idea for ya if you wanna make a film about something as boring as numbers you dense motherfückers.



I think you missed the core message of this movie. It was really dumbed down for the audience too. It's really hard to not understand. It was a really big spoon.

This movie triggered an interest in mathematics for me while I was in college. I happened to be taking a theoretical math course which I thought was going be boring. But once this movie opened my mind, I started to fall down that rabbit hole and nearly didn't escape.

There's a bigger world out there. Part of seeing it is just accepting just a brief suspension of disbelief. Its the only ticket required. However, your stature, language and mode of speak indicates to me you've not yet matured. When it starts to become overbearing and you can't stand the fact that everyone has issue you'll find that perhaps some introspection might be key. Reading above, says to me your not ready.

Buy the ticket. Take the ride.


I can tell it was dumbed down but is there not a limit to how dumb you can make something before it becomes outright boring?
Most people are familiar with compression at the most rudimentary level though it's debatable if people know why there's a limit to it.

A lot of math is involved in compressing data, some work better than others but there is a unique situation where proof by negation (the counting argument) is used to dismiss infinite compression as impossible.

It is always said that complex problems have often had pathetically simple solutions that made scientists facedesk at how dumb they were to not have thought of it.
A movie about a young nerd playing with equations on the computer one day that has discovered the secret to make the concept of bandwidth completely obsolete would be a plot with a lot more depth than this.

But either way, this dull shít achieved critical acclaim so clearly I'm missing something or underestimating what little effort it takes to make money off the public, but this is 2015 not 1998 so perhaps the trend of deriving entertainment from confusion is dying. Inception is probably the last film that traded by this concept of complexity for the sake of complexity.

