Did Max die?

At the end, Max drills into his head, was that symbolic? Did he do it and live? Is he dead? Someone please explain.


It's up to you to decide.


The final scene with Max talking with Jenna is either meant to represent Max killed himself, and is at peace in a sort-of afterlife, or he just simply drilled all the chaos out of his head and is now 'normal'.

I like to think the latter is what happened.

Either way, that scene was incredibly powerful for me. It's a shame Aronofsky has sort of tainted it by recycling the same "did the protagonist die?" ending into (almost)all his following films.

" Super Bowl XLVIII will be most evenly-matched Super Bowl in 32 years"- AH_Fan


I like to think the latter is what happened.
I think this is what happened. He gave himself the ultimate chill pill using an electric drill.🐭


I can't remember requiem to comment on the ambiguity of its end, but I know black swan and the wrestler the main character die in both. It is quite obvious, especially in black swan, and regarding the wrestler he made a reddit comment saying "he obviously died."

I think Pi is the one film where he doesn't die, making it actually different from the rest.


I think he just hallucinated that he drilled into his head.

Schrodinger's cat walks into a bar, or doesn't.






pfr_77 has gave you the answer. Its not that kind of movie where "its up to you to decide what happened " ... what happened in the bathroom with the drill is called 'trepanning'. Look at the link pfr_77 posted. Th final scene is him unable to answer the math question because of the trepanning. Hes now at peace as he sits on the park bench while gazing up at the tree


Yeah, I always thought it was somehting along these lines. Essentially a home-lobotomy.
