The Prenap(s)

I'm not sure I fully got it. Right after the wedding, CZJ tears up the prenap and GC doesn't really mind. Then he realizes he was fooled. At the end of the movie, he signs The Prenap again and hand it over to CZJ to sign it too and she tears it up again. Suddently it is a huge breakthrough and proof of her love.

Could someone please explain it to me thoroughly? I may be dumb.



I understand what the Prenap is, i just don't get the use of it in the movie. When she tears it up for the first time, she doesn't have anything and yet Clooney doesn't mind and react "You are unprotected" when he's the one who's in danger.


When she first tears up the prenup, GC assumes that she's loaded after divorcing that Texan oil tycoon, which would make her the wealthier party. GC later finds out that the tycoon is in fact only a (poor) soap opera actor.

I suggest that you read the plot on Wikipedia.
