Is this the hottest Alba movie or what? She's incredibly hot in that angel costume. I love watching her dance at the school. I could watch that all day. And how about that bedroom scene where he grabs her? I'd give anything to be him, even if he does have a possessed hand. She's easily the hottest person on the face of the earth.
Yeah, I agree. She did this movie when she was eighteen. She was (and is) smokin hot. In that scene where Anton grabbed her ass, I even thought to myself "I wish I were that hand, even if it did want to kill everything in sight".
She didn't turn 18 until very shortly before May of 1999; the year this movie was released. Plus the movie's release was delayed because of Columbine. She was 16 in this movie, or so I remember from when it was new. (and, yes, I realise that this post is old)
P.S. The release date for this movie was April 30th, 1999.
man keep the post alive Alba was breaking my heart in this one, God damn she was just sooo hot. Danm Anton he totally wanted to grab her ass harder in the end but didnt go through with it.
I'm not even going to pretend that I wouldn't want to see Alba naked, but I enjoyed the way she looked in this movie WAY more than she has looked in any other movie except for maybe Sin City.
People aren't atheists because angels are UGLY. It's because they aren't real.
Jessica was very pretty here, and then she went and did two of the three least sexy things a girl can do in my book: stuck some piece of shrapnel in her navel and started pumping out children. The third thing would be "grow a weiner," which isn't actually possible, but it would indeed be terribly un-sexy.
People aren't atheists because angels are UGLY. It's because they aren't real.
Actually, that is NOT why some people are atheists.
Jessica was very pretty here, and then she went and did two of the three least sexy things a girl can do in my book: stuck some piece of shrapnel in her navel and started pumping out children. The third thing would be "grow a weiner," which isn't actually possible, but it would indeed be terribly un-sexy.
I really hope you do NOT classify together - belly button jewelry, bearing children, and "grow a wiener".
“There is NO such thing as a free lunch.” - Milton Friedman reply share
No, most atheists are atheists because GOD isn't real. The angels are just trappings.
Yes, I do indeed classify such things together, under the basic umbrella heading of "stuff I don't find to be sexy." Mustaches and tramp stamps would go in there too. And stupidity. That's a big one, but harder to assess at a distance. I'm not sure why you would "really hope" I'd feel otherwise, as my turn-offs can't possibly have any affect on you.
No, most atheists are atheists because GOD isn't real. The angels are just trappings.
Atheists do NOT know whether God is or isn't real. Ergo, God's reality or unreality cannot be the basis of their faith.
Yes, I do indeed classify such things together, under the basic umbrella heading of "stuff I don't find to be sexy." Mustaches and tramp stamps would go in there too. And stupidity. That's a big one, but harder to assess at a distance. I'm not sure why you would "really hope" I'd feel otherwise, as my turn-offs can't possibly have any affect on you.
Anyone who classifies "belly button jewelry" with "grow a wiener" as being in the same ballpark has NO sense of proportion. It is bad news for the human race that such people exist.
“There is NO such thing as a free lunch.” - Milton Friedman reply share
my bf would agree. he liked her a lot in this but he actually doesn't find her face attractive anymore - just her body. but he liked her as a whole when she was this age with that hair cut, etc. ugh, men.
She was so amazingly hot in this movie. I remember seeing her name back in 1999 and the internet and searches were still young with little to no results. I did find out that she would be in Dark Angel which made me watch the series.
Sin City is my favorite Alba movie. Still had her curves, plus I prefer her with long hair. Looks sexier...just my personal preference. Though its not like I'd turn her down due to her hairstyle lol Haven't seen Into the Blue yet. She was also hot in this one. Anton got to squeeze her ass...lucky bastard!
"I'm a firm believer in the philosophy of a ruling class. Especially since I rule."
I think Alba was sexiest in Into the Blue personally because of the swimming scenes, but her ass looked more plump in the ending scene of Idle Hands(dunno why. In Sin City she was alright and starting to thin out around her butt and breast areas, but plenty of toned muscle fibers for those that enjoy women who are shaped like guys...
There you said it. She got too toned for Into the Blue and later films.
She was very hot, in a soft and curvy way, when she was younger. And then she started to get too famous and Hollywood convinced her to become a twig. It's really a disease. Especially considering most guys will agree she looks hotter in this movie than in most of her new stuff (where she's toned).
Good insight in calling it a disease, if addiction can be classified as a disease by lazy people that can't accept responsibility for putting away the drug or alcoholic beverage of their choice, then celebrities that are peer-pressured into shedding their beauty away in order to look like boys for homosexual fashion designers.