He's hiding inside me

This movie made next to know sense. The main thing I don't get though is that in both instances the wives say at one point He's hiding inside me, which gavee the impression their respective husbands consiouses were somehow hiding out in the wives bodies maybe becuase they both were pregnant or something. Yet this is never explained upon and is just a random thing out there. Also their goal is never really explained, the aircraft has something to do with it what are they going to use this one aircraft to shut down all other machines so they make it easier to take over the world? Also I know missles and anything with guiding needs a computer chip but last I checked guns cannons and a freaking *beep* ton of other military hardware doesn't have anything electronic in it. Also if these aliens plans were to get access to this plane um how did they know about it? how is it at all possible they could have known about these planes before taking over Spencer and the other guy bodies? Also if they can just take over people so easily and if it is an invasion why the hell don't they just all blast down and take over everyone? there is so much wrong with this movie it should never have been made.


It is truly a piece of crap.




To address just one of your points, how they know about us and stuff: The nearest even remotely possibly maybe habitable planet we've detected is some 12-ish light years away. That means that at the speed of freekin light, which is reeeeeeeally fast, any communication or transportation would take at least 12 Earth years each direction. So for you to tell me, hey come on over, and me to then bop on by, that's 24 years. And that's for the really close ones. Others are reeeeeeeeeeally reeeeeeeeeeeally reeeeeeeeeeeally far away.

I have seen enough to know I have seen too much. -- ALOTO


What pissed me off is that it was never really made clear if the aliens were reproducing to grow their numbers via human embryos or, if they were using the new offspring as younger host bodies.

He's hiding inside me.
That line implies the twins were being used as new host bodies and not new aliens in and of themselves. If they are new aliens, this species most reproduce asexually.

It's a really sad, stupid convoluted mess that just makes you frustrated in the end. Are the twins one person or an extension of the parent? And how come fly boy at the end can't tell he has a creepy wife and kids?

It's like breathing the electric air of the future. http://goo.gl/kR7PNa



Well, it seemed the aliens were very conditioned by their actual form (or lack thereof) and way of travelling; as far as we know, they couldn't even reach Earth without taking over a host (as they're either raw "energy" or some sort of sofisticated transmissions), and it's not like they could ever hope to find hundreds of astronauts just hanging out there for them to take. Furthermore, if they're actually "energy" roaming through space, how fast can they go from their home planet to ours? (Do they even have a home planet? Maybe what we are looking at are the survivors of a nearly extinct race looking for a new home.) A massive invasion under these conditions just doesn't seem very likely so, again, for all we know, we are stuck with just these two alien pilots (not captains, not generals, merely "pilots") for the time being, trying their darnest to subtly laid the very fundations for a future take over, assimilation or what have you.

Things don't go smoothly for them. Alex's body can't handle the stress and, as it turned out, is not that easy for them to travel from one host to the next. The ACV catch alien #1 by surprise and, be it by the lack of an appropiate conductor or the audience, he dies along with his host. Alien #2 is left alone in a hostile planet with only his wits and Johnny Depp's good looks to carry on their mission without raising too much unwanted attention. I believe the aircraft upgrade HE brought to the table was just one of many steps to insert himself in Earth matters. Remember the sketches the ex Nasa agent was talking about? The ships were designed with two pilots in mind... his twins or is that just the way their race works? Was alien #1 his twin? Were they actually connected the same way the babies and alien #2 are? Alex's wife was also expecting twins, so it doesn't seem too far fetched to think that maybe, just maybe, they exist as two separate entities sharing one consciousness; they are connected, bounded, by a very strong telepathic link.

Alex's wife (who was deeply disturbed by that part and didn't make much sense) says the infamous phrase, "he's hiding inside me", because she may not be privy to the information the Nasa agent gives Jillian later, but she knows something it's wrong and is starting to realize just to a what extent. It could mean two things: either, she suspects her husband has been dead all along and see the twins as the seed of the very thing that killed him (as in the princess's tale Jillian narrates), or alien #1 consciouness lives on in his sons. Jillian repeats it later because she finally understands what her friend tried to said before comitting suicide.

I didn't particulary care for the film (I give it a 6), but it has some good ideas here and there, and the acting was obviously good.
