Nan (Spoilers)
Maybe it's just me, but Nan, really irritated me. She seemed to be two people, one that is the very loving sister, and they do have an obvious connection, when Spencer is killing Nan, she screams out Jillian's name, and Jillian feels instantly while Nan is dying, that something terrible is, or has happened to her. Then there is the other side.
Yes, Nan is loving and is deeply concerned for Jill, but she isn't supportive. She treats her more like a paranoid, delusional person who needs help, and thinks Spencer is the answer. If Nan would have taken her head out of her ass, she would have been able to see that Jill was really scared, and even if she didn't know all of the details, there was a reason Jill didn't want Nan to tell Spencer about Reese, and she should of honored that, no matter what she thought or didn't know.
Nan didn't know, she was putting Jill in more danger, by running off the first chance she got to tell Spencer about Reese, but, if she were paying more attention to Spencer's behavior, and saw the true fear and trouble in Jill's eye's, she wouldn't have told.
Then, when Jill is angry that Nan broke her promise and told Spencer, Nan has the nerve to say she isn't going to get into it with her about it, and leaves. Even in the hospital, Nan is saying how fine everything is going to be, because her head is still in her ass, and she still doesn't see anything different about Spencer, and I would think, that after being Spencer's sister In law for a long time, she would be able to tell the difference between the "old" Spencer, and the "new" one. When they moved to New York, the people they meet didn't know Spencer before he went up on that shuttle flight, only three people knew after they moved, Jill, Nan, and Reese. Nan got herself killed because she just couldn't get her head out.
Sorry this was so long, did anyone else feel this way by any chance?