Why wasn't there the same reaction as when Jonny Dep Died??? I.e the whole creature made of a water like substance becomming free and entering someone elses body??
Come to think of it, why didn't it happen when his heart stopped but was revived?!!!
It's because the ending we got was not the one the director wanted. On the european DVD's you can see the original ending where (SPOILERS !!!) Jill kills Spencer for good and she just keep the babies whithout knowning what they're gonna be (aliens or humans).
The whole stuff with the alien coming out of his body to possess Jill (a very stupid idea) was clearly imposed by New Line who wanted something more spectacular. At least, that's my guess.
The alien inside Spencer wasn't electrocal and when she electrocuted him, it escaped the dead body in search of a new host, it couldn't go through the glasses, so it went for her. The other pilot basicially killed himself.
"I am the ultimate badass, you do not wanna `*beep*` wit' me!" Hudson in Aliens.
So glad you posted this. I loved every bit of the movie...except that crap ending. Knowing there is an alternate version out there has me searching the web even now.
The whole stuff with the alien coming out of his body to possess Jill (a very stupid idea) was clearly imposed by New Line who wanted something more spectacular.
Perhaps to justify the whopping (by 1999 standards) $75 million budget.🐭
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That's exactly what I was wondering. Also Captain Streck seemed to have his normal human conciousness at times, it seems he was strugling pyschologically. I wonder did the creature have complete control of Depp the whole time, or was he struglling initially as well?
Walking through the cow pasture of life you are bound to step in some truth
When Armacost died he was being drenched in a sheet of water and electrocuted. An alien being who can travel through a transmission into a human being can probably also leap bodies on a wave of electricity moving through water. Also, only he and Jillian were present, so no witnesses to see him jump bodies.
Strek collapsed on the floor of a nightclub because his host body couldn't take the strain of housing the alien and suffered a massive stroke. There apparently was nothing to facilitate his jumping from one body into another--no transmission, no massive amount of electricity moving through the body, etc. He was also surrounded by NASA personnel, who had they seen such a thing as Armacost eventually did might be a little suspicious as to the true nature of their astronauts.
To answer MilesAhead: once the aliens entered Strek and Armacost in space, those two men were gone. Remember, Reese hypothesized that the real astronauts were "erased like a tape and recorded over". The aliens retained the astronauts' memories, but the consciousness of those men was gone to be replaced by the minds of the aliens.
I think the alien housed in Strek was struggling because his host body was rejecting him. Prior to the party at which he died, Strek was acting normally (at the photo op, etc.).
When Armacost died he was being drenched in a sheet of water and electrocuted. An alien being who can travel through a transmission into a human being can probably also leap bodies on a wave of electricity moving through water. Also, only he and Jillian were present, so no witnesses to see him jump bodies.
Strek collapsed on the floor of a nightclub because his host body couldn't take the strain of housing the alien and suffered a massive stroke. There apparently was nothing to facilitate his jumping from one body into another--no transmission, no massive amount of electricity moving through the body, etc. He was also surrounded by NASA personnel, who had they seen such a thing as Armacost eventually did might be a little suspicious as to the true nature of their astronauts.
To answer MilesAhead: once the aliens entered Strek and Armacost in space, those two men were gone. Remember, Reese hypothesized that the real astronauts were "erased like a tape and recorded over". The aliens retained the astronauts' memories, but the consciousness of those men was gone to be replaced by the minds of the aliens.
I think the alien housed in Strek was struggling because his host body was rejecting him. Prior to the party at which he died, Strek was acting normally (at the photo op, etc.).
There is definitely some logic in your argument (I thought the same about Strek's reason for submitting to his death rather than jumping and saw his look to Depp's character as a reaffirmation of his sacrifice for the mission),but the movie still was poorly executed. Why make it seem as though the alien presence was afraid of electricity if it could travel along its currents? It can't be because the voltage would expose it. If that were true then Strek's alien would have been exposed when he received the paddle jump in the ER.
And I rather liked the alternate ending. The idea that the babies would somehow influence Gillian was more fitting and subtle than a series of unknown powers all of a sudden manifesting itself in the last few minutes of screen time. It was just too deus ex machina for my tastes.