Ok, but why pilots?

I've leave out all my other gripes with this movie and get to the main one:

What is the "end goal" of these "aliens". They need twin pilots for what purpose exactly? This is never explained or even hinted toward.

Let's change NOTHING in this plot at all and fast-forward 50 years into the future... what's happening? Two little twin computer-kid pilots are flying around in this newly developed plane, doing what exactly? Making all the other aliens back home real proud? Hmmm.. I wonder.

Whilst not an entirely abysmal movie, it just left me very unsatisfied in the end. No satisfactory "motive" for the entire alien agenda just makes it all seen a little pointless to me.

I'm sure those who fancy themselves pseudo-intellectuals will be able to put a better surmised spin on the this plot, but I'm just giving my opinion for whatever little that may be worth.

I'll rack this one up on my very long list of movies that had a lot of potential, but missed the mark in the end. (No wonder I never even heard of this movie until I saw it on TV a few hours ago...)

Over and out!


To destroy the world in 2013.

-"Hey, Blinkin'?"
-"Did you say 'Abe Lincoln'?"
-"No, I said Hey, Blinkin."


Well, some parts are truly a mess, but overall, it's still basically not destroyed.

I have seen enough to know I have seen too much. -- ALOTO


During the dinner conversation, the boss of Spencer mentions the use of the planes. They were to send out signals to stop all electonics (tanks, planes, warheads etc).

Two planes run by 2 people each, (his copilot was suppose to have twins as well, if I recall).

I'm guessing since they could only travel by some kind of transmission (like Reese said they could, but targeting a satellite), they were to infilitrate and this was the beginning of their plan; to build these planes, send out the signal, which in turn paralyzed any attempt to shoot them down...and then I don't know from there...

Just what I gathered.



To prove their mousy worth, they'll overthrow the Earth, they're Pinky, they're Pinky and the Brain, Brain, Brain, Brain, Brain.


They even put in a slow-motion echo and closeup of the boss' lips when he says "It's like the voice of God", like bingbingbing - they wanna take over the world n stuff!

I agree that the movie isn't exactly great but it isn't THAT bad to not even explain the point of it all. Had to blurt that out as I read it even ages after it was asked =D


The plane is supposed to send out this signal on military battlefields. If this signal allows the aliens to link to it and travel directly down to earth and into those receiving the signal (as it did to Strek and Armacost in space) then the aliens would be housed in the bodies of military personnel. The perfect way to start taking over the world.

Time of your life, huh, kid?


They were not pilots.. they were astronaunts.. there is of course a big difference and as much as a flop that this was ( unfortantely ) the subject was very intriguing. we always wonder what happens in space. What NASA experiences. There is a fascination about E.T. beings.. life on other planets. etc... how much do we know and how much do we really not know. Its the possibility of what may happen we don't know. The movie is all about your perception.


Quite a few of the astronauts have been pilots. ALL of the original Mercury, Gemini, and Apollo astronauts were test pilots, and you still need a pilot to land the space shuttle.

If I remember correctly, it wasn't until the space shuttle missions, with their larger crews, that you started getting non-pilot mission specialists on board.


What is the "end goal" of these "aliens". They need twin pilots for what purpose exactly? This is never explained or even hinted toward.
It's true. The great failing of the movie. Some babble from Reece and snatches of dinner time conversation are supposed to be sufficient for an audience explanation. They travel through space in energy bursts, yet need twins to pilot planes on Earth. It's laughable. No wonder this film sank like a stone at the box office.🐭


Who are we to question ?
Berry berry scawwy.

Mabe they want our soap.

