Thought Experiment

Movies make me think about many things - they often provoke a thought, reaction or insight I would never have gotten otherwise.

For example; what would have happened, right after his arrival to his building if Narrator had never called anyone, or even gone to any hotel/motel/etc.?

If he had just collapsed on the street and gone to sleep.

The audience knows he was, would be, couldn't be homeless, because Tyler, using Narrator's body ('we are the same person' is SO wrong on so many levels, even if you don't even think about the 'legalese strawman' stuff), already sleeps in a big (if dilapitated) house.

Would the Narrator have woken up in that house, wondering where he is?

This makes me question the whole thing - WHY would he, just by random happenstance, NEVER happen to wake up in that house before Tyler 'invites' him to bunk there? (Also, how can he sleep in a separate room is another little weirdness, but whatever - I mean, how ELABORATE must this 'hallucination' be, if Narrator's mind can just render Tyler always 'appropriately' in the correct places - so if Narrator goes to look for Tyler in Tyler's room, will he find him there, because his mind somehow knows to render him there?)..

When you start to think about all the little things the movie shows and tells us, while remembering the TWIST the movie forces upon our throats, logic and common sense seem to start crumbling to dust quite fast..

.. which means, almost nothing we've shown makes any sense.

By the way, wouldn't it be interesting to see a 'true version' of this movie's events? The movie shows us SOME (also implausible) of such events, but to see the whole movie AS THINGS ACTUALLY HAPPEN, not being lied to by the movie, would be pretty darn interesting to me.

Just to take a small example; which seat is Narrator REALLY sitting in in the airplane, and does any air hostess (yes, I said it) ever wonder not only why he is talking to an empty seat but also never takes the more interesting window seat, but just stubbornly sits in the aisle one..?

How did that process even begin? Did Tyler just 'appear' on a seat that Narrator thought was unoccupied? Did Narrator see Tyler walk to the seat, was he already sitting there, etc.? Why did he choose the aisle seat anyway?

I have to stop now, or I will never stop pondering these little details.. would just be so interesting to see where Narrator REALLY was when Tyler was 'stealing the car' - counting the seconds from the 'end of the d1Ld0-conversation' to the moment when the car starts moving - can any human being really be this fast, especially without attracting a lot of attention, would he really leave before he gets his back sorted out and so on and so.. AND SO ON!!?

I would love to see what _ACTUALLY_ happened, instead of all the lies this movie tells us.

Also, the 'security cam footage' of the parking garage fight borders on the 'impossible' - how does a 'figment of someone's imagination' DRAG said someone like that??

I am not saying this movie makes no sense, but does it really make any sense?


BEWARE! Avortac4 is a troll trying to waste everyone's time with such idiotic comments. Look at his posts. He doesn't think anything in any film makes sense. His post may seem like it makes sense in the first sentence or two. But he always quickly wanders off into a completely idiotic idea, and then writes a wall of text that makes no sense. And his sole purpose is to waste your time, thinking he's cute for doing so. Don't feed the troll. If you write a comment, you're giving this troll EXACTLY what he wants. Don't comment after my comment.
