Andy Defresne was not so innocent after all
In The Shawshank Redemption, they make it look like poor ole Andy is wrongfully convicted, but after seeing Arlington Road, it becomes quite clear why he is sent to prison. Not only was he blowing up government buildings, but he was framing other people to make it look like they did it! Morgan Freeman should have been careful about who he associated with while he was locked up. Andy/Oliver manipulated him into getting that rock hammer so that he could escape. It was a good thing that Morgan Freeman got paroled when he did. Otherwise, he would have taken the fall for Andy/Oliver's escape. This is why I never liked the character of Andy Defresne. Always using people. First, he used that Scobee guy, then Jeff Bridges, then he used Morgan Freeman while he was in prison.
"There is no reason to bring every cotton pickin book you own into this dadburn gym!"-Fall 1987