Can a movie really be this BAD???
My god! I only rented this because it had what looked like a half decent cast, the ever reliable Randy Quaid, the gorgeous Katherine Heigl and Meredith Salenger and 2 of the old Star Trek cast (scotty and Sulu). I knew it was going to be pretty camp and cheesy but I wasn't prepared for the bucket of tripe that was Bug Busters.
The acting was attrocious at best, the dialogue is childlike and unfunny (the female news reporter just has to be seen to be belived).
The film itself looks like it's shot on a home camcorder and the special effects? Well, a man in a crap rubber suit, some really bad stop motion and the occasional splatter of dreadful CGI is about as good as you get. There's no redeeming features to this whatsoever, no gore, no gratuitous nudity, no scares, nothing. The music sounds like it's been done on a childs synthasizer, it really is that bad. The script seems to have been written by a 3 year old, I mean c'mon, 'what's that?' 'That was a vampire bat, it's one of the most deadly creatures on the planet, right up there with the black widow and the king cobra' WHAT THE??? Vampire bats are about as dangerous as kittens, dreadful.
It's by no means THE WORST movie I've ever seen but it still ranks up there in my top 20.
Avoid like a plague of cockroaches!
"Hasta la vista, baby."