I really want

I really really want to see this movie.I hope it will come out on DVD or be played on The N possibly which I doubt.The more I hear about it The more I want to see it.

If i saw in 1993 which I probably have I vaguely remember anything.

Bound for Destination Anywhere
Regrets Becoming An IMDB Member


Just download it like i did. infact, i'm downloading episodes of degrassi high right now. The movie is good though. Just go to soulseek and download all the episodes you want and the movie.


Okay Thank-You.

Bound for Destination Anywhere
Regrets Becoming An IMDB Member


No problem. Just put degrassi in the search part and it will bring up every episode and the movie.


what's your user name on soulseek? mind sharing it school's out? I cant find it


Yeah, I couldnt find the movie on soulseek, so i foudn this link:


get it there. does anyone know where i can find the eppy where claude commits suicide? i cant find that on soulseek either...



Don't Diss My Abillty I would love to see a DVD release Uncut and Unedited .


I can't find any episodes on SoulSeek.

Could somebody please post School's Out again?
