Diesel is a big fan of the Riddick saga, so I guess he'll do his best to make 'Dead Man Stalking' a great flick. I heard he gave some of his own money to the director so that their work could stay free from the studios' influence, and receive a R-rating : good news, huh ?
"I don't care what you believe in, just believe in something ! No matter what..."
Yeah, maybe that was that. But there was definitely something regarding the R-rating, which was considered as necessary in order to keep the film the way it was supposed to be.
"I don't care what you believe in, just believe in something ! No matter what..."
I am definitely seeing it. They are selling it on it's similarities to Pitch Black because that's what people want...but believe me, it'll have a bit more meat on it's bones.
Cannot wait until Sept. 6th weekend. Would love to see it in IMAX! Glad to see its R-rated and not pansy assed PG-13. I love the unrated cuts of the first two on blu ray! Hope they keep the Riddick franchise going (and with the wonderful Diesel as Riddick). This is one kick ass character!