About to watch this film...

This film is being shown on the UK's Sci-Fi Channel tonight at 11pm. I'm planning on watching it...

'Uh, so, did anybody... uh... last night, you know, did anybody, um... burst into song?'


What a huge pile of rubbish... I was really annoyed I bothered to stay up and watch it.... GRRRR!

'Uh, so, did anybody... uh... last night, you know, did anybody, um... burst into song?'


LOL, sorry, didn't get here in time to warn you. Basically, it's good b/c Holmes has never looked better (imo) and the girl that goes topkless bears a slight resemblance to Gwen Stefani. Other than that, it's nothing great save for a few semi-interesting scenes.



I still don't know what the hell a platterhead is!!!


Pinheads less known cousin, of course :)

I only have one photograph in my hands...


Katie Holmes is what got me to watch the movie. She was and is beautiful.
