The Alternate Ending...

Ok, I'm going to give you guys a detailed description of the alternate ending in the DVD version of this movie. But first off, I have to say that I've watched this movie literally over 200 times and it never gets old to me. I love this movie and the performance Nick Stahl gave as Gavin Strict. It's still my all time favorite movie to this day. But anyway, back to the alternate ending.

The alternate ending in the DVD starts with showing the fairy leaving and Steve already on it. He walks to the end of it and finds Gavin holding Rachel, UV, and his sister all hostage. Then Steve and Gaven start talking and have what you could call a heart-to-heart conversation. Rachel is also included on certain parts of it too. In the conversation, Gavin recalls his past as to what he used to be like and how he is now. He gives a VERY powerful performance in playing his part in this scene. He says that he is a Blue Ribbon now and there is no going back to the way he was.. but at the same time realzing that he doesn't want to be a Blue Ribbon, but is basically stuck being one. Then he gives a speech saying they should all move foward, looking as if he is going to let them go, but then is taken over by the chip in his eye and tries to shoot them with his shotgun. And then it shows Gavin being shot with a handgun, which is revealed to be UV who fired the gun. After Gavin is shot, Rachel and Lindsay both run over to him and basically try to comfort him as Steve takes the gun away from UV. Gavin gives yet another speech of his dreams being dashed to meet Nine Inch Nails lead singer Trent Rezner. Then says he is "finally coming around" and then he dies. In this alernate ending, it ends with both Steve and Rachel walking to the end of the boat, hugging each other, and then it blacks out.

I have to say that I absolutely LOVE the alternate ending. I feel that it fits the movie PERFECTLY in every way possible. It explains a little more into Gavin's transformation into a Blue Ribbon. Very powerful scene and I just love it overall. I really don't understand why they deleted this ending out of the movie.


"..showing the fairy leaving"? Which one was the fairy, Gavin or Steve? Oh wait, did you mean ferry?


i agree w'u totally. I ABSOLUTELY LOVED this movie. I read the book which i liked, the movie was great. The deleted scenes helped to flesh out the story even more. The alternate ending totally spins the movie in a totally diff direction. I like the theatrical ending..sayin that @ least one Blue RIbbon got out..and who knows whats gonna happen..but the alternate ending..that really grabs u and just ...floors ya. I really love this movie, i just hope one day that release a version w all the deleted scenes put bk in...kinda like new line dvds lets u. thatd be great to see what was originally intended.


Okay, sorry, little confused so I have to ask a probably really obvious question, but when you said you read the book, did you mean the book "The Body Snatchers" or is there a book called "Disturbing Behavior"? Like I said, probably a dumb question, but I just wanted to clarify for myself. Thank you.

Oh, and I absolutely love this movie and LOVED Nick Stahl as Gavin Strict!

"Appropriate sparks are flying, someone cue the power ballad." -Gavin Strict


Ollie- how is it you can claim to have seen the movie, and have a siggy with quote, but can't get the character's name right?
It's Gavin STRICK- not Strict!


yea i found the novelization at Barnes and Noble. Its almost identical except for a few small scenes, plus it actually helps flesh out certain parts of the story/movie better. really helps up the suspense.



The real caldcot, is a rehab expert named bertha bobath.
A lot of young physical therapists used her methods.
SHe believed high stakes therapy, using equlilburm balls could erase memory.


so what version did I watch?

Happy ending with hugs on the FERRY. Then, Instead of cutting to black, they show a group of troubled teens, a la Stand and Deliver, and show Gavin becoming their new student teacher, as his red eye flashes. Cut to credits.
VERY LAME, but that's what I just saw on Netflix.
Guess all those troubled students turned him on... cuz that's why their iChip flashes right? And I read that the film has an end after the credits, but that was clearly before them and there was nothing after.

I much prefer what you described to be the ending as it makes more sense that Gavin should remind us of who he once was before the movie ends. Also there is no random time jump to a future where Gavin got his teaching credentials instead of becoming a republican senator. What kind of an evil plan is that, evil Gavin? You want to be president, okay? President is the correct evil next step for you. Has evil Gavin not seen The Omen?


Guess all those troubled students turned him on... cuz that's why their iChip flashes right?

Actually the chip flashes (activates) any time the brain's dopamine jumps sharply.
Gavin's does this because he's ecstatic at having lots of troubled teens to bring under his power.

I'd say this cloud is Cumulo Nimbus.
Didn't he discover America?
Penfold, shush.


The alternate ending kicks ass. It's so much better.



Yeah, the producers should have kept the original ending with Gavin, it makes sense seeing that he's a very strong character at the start, who then just kinda disappears from the movie lol. It must have been a real heartbreaker for the director, he says on the commentary that he wanted to keep it. This movie could've been so much better. Oh well.

"The battle for the soul is fought in the forum of art."



If they had kept in all the deleted scenes including the alternate ending, this film would have been a masterpiece. Its still a great film, but the studio executives really screwed up a potentially awesome film with all the meddling and cuts. If there was ever a film that deserves a rerelease with the extra scenes restored back into the film, this would be it.

History is written by the victor. History is full of liars.


Yeah, I think it's a decent movie that could have been quite good with the deleted scenes and alternate ending.


I like that the alternate ending also brings the main characters together in the final scene.
