I watch it alot...that's probably because my cousin is in it... he plays Ben Winetka, his name is Leroy Peltier...and is a pretty good hockey player... He currently resides in Wikwemikong, Ontario, Canada (On Manitoulin Island)which is about 2 hours from Sudbury, Ontario .... i would know because i used to live there... and saw him alot.... for those of you who wonder what it feels like to have a celeb in your family... you just feel jealous that it isn't you and that's pretty much it... for those of you who don't believe me his parent names are Alex Peltier and Genevieve Pheasant.....if you still don't believe me
that's the link..... he's from wikwemikong...and he's actor. and also i might add in ... Chris Simon is also my cousin He played on The 2003-2004 Calgary Flames team... and Lisa Odjig is also My cousin (the world champion hoop dancer), Annelind Wakegijig is my godmother/cousin and is also a first cousin to lisa odjig, Annelind is a wealthy family Physician as well, I know Cheyenne Kitchigeg, I've drummed with him at a few pow wow's... and that would be pretty much it