I have seen several hundred films in my forty plus years, but this one is the biggest pieces of dung I think I have ever seen.
The main complaint I have with it is the way the writers/directors have so many of these crappy faux "Cliffhangers" it comes off like a Abrams bros. PARODY!! Like when Cage was handcuffed to the bed, he cant quite reach the gun, he tries, he tries again and then at the last minute he finally reaches it. And the way the Layer has a gun pointed right at the guy with a crossbow and instead of putting it down he risks getting killed by shooting the crossbow (Which would NEVER HAPPEN IN RL) and then (SURPRISE!) gets shot in the throat. Then "Machine" gets a big knife or similar object stuck in his gut, and two days later he is fighting Welles, falls from a TWO STORY roof and just gets up, isnt hurt, then he is laying there in the graveyard and gets up and stabs Cage (even though Cage has a friggin GUN trained right ON the dude; plus ANY P.I. w/ANY brains would make sure to clear any weapons from within the perps reach) I mean COME ON. You people REALLY cant understand why this turd got panned? Geeeez.