A Sex Joke???

I remember near the start of the movie, when the parents are discussing whether the baby will be a boy or girl, Angelicas mother says something like "riding high, its a guy!"

Call me crazy...or is that a sex position joke? As in DeeDee being on top would resule in a male baby? o_O


If I remember correctly Angelica's mom said "Born under Venus, look for a-" then her phone rings and cuts her off.


Ah yes your right. Sorry it was... *thinks* err... Phil and Lil's mother that says that other line? I think...


I don't really remember that line but I think it might be an old wives' tale that if the baby is held higher in the body, its a boy. It's not a sex joke.


That line was said, but like the other poster said its an old wise tale. If the stomach is lower set then its said to be a girl, but it was higher set, it was a boy.



lol what about the newborn babies in that song.

Female baby: aww they cut my chord
Male baby: ( looks in his diaper) consider yourself lucky.

Later: (light goes on and looks in his diaper) oh that's what that thing looks like.
