MovieChat Forums > The Siege (1998) Discussion > One of the most prophetic movies of the ...

One of the most prophetic movies of the decade

Showing how easy it is to let terrorists scare a population and government into doing the wrong things for the right reasons...


That was exactly what I was thinking when I watched this for the first time a few days ago.

So many things that happened and were said became reality.

Especially the sentence "they attack our way of living".....that is exactly what was said afterwards. And then people who asked for more reasonable reactions than those we have seen in the aftermath of 9/11 argued (and I agree:): well....then let's not compromise our values and our way of living, otherwise we let the damage become even bigger.

Also it was so weird to see the twin towers so many times in this very film.

Great story, great acting, great questions it raises, and definitively yes: incredibly prophetic.

I hope many, many people will watch this movie.... looking back I am surprised I had not heard of it until - by chance -a few days ago. I mean it should be more famous than it is.


I actually miss the days when this movie would've seemed a bit "far fetched". Seems like practically a lifetime ago.
