MovieChat Forums > The Siege (1998) Discussion > Al Qaeda was an inside job.....

Al Qaeda was an inside job.....

CIA funds went to Pakistani and Saudi intelligence services which in turn went to Bin Laden's groups and other terrorist organizations.

I am surprised America does not know this!

The US supported the Northern Alliance of war lords and opium producers.

The terrorists and the Northern Alliance all received aid and training.

Most of the terrorist attacks in the 90s came from people trained in Afghanistan.

Chickens coming home to roost. Plain and Simple.

They do not hate us because of our freedoms.


OMG Keep drinking the kool-aid buddy! This has nothing to do with the MOVIE.


That's rather a poorly contrived way of coming to the conclusion that it was an inside job especially considering you conveniently fail to mention it was the Mujahedeen (many factions of which oppossed and fought the faction that would become Al Quaeda) and not Al Quaeda itself that was funded by the West to combat an illegal Russian occupation. Learn your history before you start boring us all with your conspiracy theory.

Good guys may not finish last but they sure as sh*t don't finish first!


But the West did fund a bunch of fanatics to combat the USSR in Afghanistan and they brought down a more democratic government than the one that was formed after the Mujahedeen victory.

Most funds went through the Saudi and Pakistani Intelligence services (like initially stated) and those funds went to the "Arab" Afghans that later formed Al Qaeda.

There is no major difference between the Mujahdeen and Al Qaeda. They were pimps, druglords and warlords that made Afghanistan a living hell. Women did not wear the veil in the DRA before the Taliban and other WESTERN sources went into their rag tag armies.

Get a clue and read a history book before you come in here acting like the West did nothing but fund "freedom fighters".

9/11 was blowback plain and simple. Deal with it. It would be like the Contras coming back to reek havoc on US citizens. Same thing.

I do not subscribe to loony 9/11 Truth myths. I was being sarcastic with the line to grab attention and give you Americans a history lesson.

The terrorists do not hate you because of your freedoms.


First of all the Talban and their cronies are not some 'army formerly known as the Mujahadeen' their position was obtained through vicious civil war after The Afghan royal family were removed and succeeded by a communist government whose position was enforced by Russian military intervention.

It's amazing how people bitch and moan about The US in Iraq using their military might to constitute a government noboday wants yet when Russia did it in Afghanistan The US still comes out the bad guy.

Good guys may not finish last but they sure as sh*t don't finish first!


You ever read about the DRA? The country that was established independently of the USSR by the Afghan working class? It was far more democratic than both the Taliban ruled nation after the Civil War and the War Lord/Former CIA Agent Ruled US coalition in (Hamad Karzai) Afghanistan now.

The Democratic Republic of Afghanistan ASKED the USSR to intervene and help them with the pimps, warlords, drug barons and religious zealots that were tearing up their country.

The Carter and Reagan Administration both funded these disgusting elements.

What is wrong with you? There were NO elements whether secular or religious that the US, Saudis, or Pakistanis funded that were "freedom fighters".

Get this through your thick right wing skull; the people were behind the DRA and the religious zealots constituted a horrible element of that society that wanted to send the country back into the stone age. The US helped them all whether directly or indirectly. They were not freedom fighters.


I'm right wing? Never knew that. I'm actually Irish Republican you moron, get that through YOUR thick skull before you ply me with your tired clichéd America bashing. Learn some history then try to come up with some ideas of your own.

Good guys may not finish last but they sure as sh*t don't finish first!


If by Irish Republican, I hope you mean Wind that Shakes the Barley, pro-socialist Republican, right? Not the faux kind.

The United States funded a terrible side in war for DEMOCRATIC struggle in Afghanistan. It's that simple. History is on the side of the DRA not the Mujahadeen.

You're a joke.


I never said I was pro America I was merely stating an opinion based on my interpretation of a situation, however how being both Republican (it does not have the same meaning here as in US politics) and being pro America strikes you as incredulous I have no idea. I believe the American Administration has a lot to answer for not only to other nations but to it's own people, I'm just tired of the robotic narrowminded views that are evident today, CIA planes crashed into the twin towers explosives seen going off at the base yada yada yada.

As for my political views I believe in a united Irish Republic and I believe it can be achieved under a single banner incorporating the rights of all faiths and nations. While the divisions exist however the narrowminded amongst us would categorise me as being Nationalist.

Good guys may not finish last but they sure as sh*t don't finish first!


Thats bs. The money US provided funded a loose group of fighters against the Russians. After the Russians left then a civil war happened. That brought the Taliban into power who were backed by ISI,Pakistani intelligence and Iran. After Soviet Union left,US was pretty much gone from that region.After the Iranian revolution US pretty much stayed out of direct action in the Middle East except when Iraq invaded Kuwait. And the former head of the CIA in Afghanistan said that numerous times.US had to deal with all the problems after the fall of Soviet Union. So stop with the bs. Al Qaeda was funded by Saudi Arabia.

Religion is regarded by the common people as true, by the wise as false, and by rulers as useful.


Not really. Bin Laden was funded by the Saudi's. He comes from the richest non-royal family in Saudi Arabia. He was able to create his terrorist group because of the money.Taliban allowed him to operate there because of the money he was providing.

Religion is regarded by the common people as true, by the wise as false, and by rulers as useful.


The US gave money to Saudi Arabia to funnel into groups they deemed were fit to fight the Soviets. Some of this money went to Bin Laden.

Anyways this is all besides the point. The point is that the US took the side of the warlords, religious extremists and corrupt businessmen that hated the newly founded DRA. The DRA was a bastion of freedom in comparison to the regimes the US wished for in place.

Does it matter that the US didn't directly fund Bin Laden? It gave the pretext to Pakistan and Saudi Arabia to fund crazed religious groups against the Soviets.

Saying the US backed the Northern Alliance is like saying the US backed the less crazy religious wackos.


DRA was a Soviet Union puppet and it was going to fail before US even entered the scene. Thats one reason why Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan to preserve the DRA.A democratic government was never going to work surrounded by psychotic Muslim nut jobs.There were no good choices. Either Soviet Union took over and got access to Middle East energy.It was the cold war so nobody knew the future consequences that would happen.US and Soviet Union were just concentrated on each other during the cold war.And then after the cold war all these regimes that US/Soviet Union installed backfired like hell.

Religion is regarded by the common people as true, by the wise as false, and by rulers as useful.


NO you idiot. You cannot just presume that it was just a Soviet puppet and because it was a Soviet "puppet" it was doomed to fail. You're presuming way too many things, none of which is historically true.

The DRA asked the Soviets to help them against the lunatic warlords and religious zealots backed by the US and Saudi Arabia and Pakistan.

No good choices? How about helping the DRA!

I guess faced with the choice of helping a Democratic Socialist government who wanted to modernize and secularize the nation or religious zealots and war lords, the US chooses the latter?

Face it, the US armed and backed the other side and now the other side has come to bite the US in the butt.

It's like Saddam Hussein bit the US in the butt, Noriega and even the Contras who later on became drug kingpins.


Yes you dumbass. They were a puppet and were never going to get backing from US or anybody. Or did you forget it was the cold war?The DRA were getting heir ass handed to them before the US even came on the scene. Wit Islamic nut jobs backed by Egypt,Pakistan,Iran,Saudi Arabia,etc. It was never going to last.If the US backed the DRA that would help the Soviet Union and piss off every country in the region.

Religion is regarded by the common people as true, by the wise as false, and by rulers as useful.


Why do you act like saying that it was the Cold War makes any difference to your lame argument?

What does that have to do with anything?

The US decided not to back the DRA because it was a Soviet ally. Instead it decided to go with the "winning" team and backed the war lords elements in a warlord/religious zealot alliance.

The US could've backed the DRA along with the Soviet Union to better the country instead of letting them have a brutal civil war afterward and later the miserable "democracy" they have now where the Northern Alliance is back in power and the Taliban in the North is getting help from Pakistan.

Seriously, what is your point? Because you do not have one.

The US funneled money to help topple down a Democratic government and all that money sloshed around and made it to Bin Laden and other religious nutcases sharing arms and training methods in order to combat the USSR. After the war, these zealots went out and started Jihad around the world. Most major terrorist plots and their leaders can be traced to the training received in Afghanistan.

This is all blowback, plain and simple. Quit strawmanning.


USSR was an enemy. So why the hell would they back a Soviet Union puppet state? Democratic my ass. They were a socialist *beep* Of course thats better than any Islamic country but its still a *beep* consequences would have been the same even without US involvement. Soviet Union invading Afghanistan brought out all the Islamic terrorists that we see today.Bin Laden and the rest of these douchebags only went to Afghanistan because of Soviet Union.

Also the Gulf War and having troops in Saudi Arabia were the reasons these terrorists came after the US.

Religion is regarded by the common people as true, by the wise as false, and by rulers as useful.


Do you even ask why the USSR was the enemy? Most of the nations the US threw out were nationalist non-alligned nations during the Cold War like Indonesia, Iran and Guatamala.

Communism was just an excuse to go into nations and keep these nations from using their own resources to develop their own nations. Communism was the force against this imperialism. How is it not obvious to you? Do you watch too much Sean Hannity or Glenn Beck?

What do you mean by it wasn't democratic because it was socialist?

Chile wasn't democratic in '74 and it was a capitalist paradise, are you saying that only capitalism and democracy can co-exist?

Seriously, you're a buffoon with a moutain of presumptions that you assume to be true and that everyone adheres to.


It doesn't matter why they were the enemy. The point is they were the enemies for decades. I wasn't around back then to influence foreign policy.But the tensions began during the Russian revolution and the west hatred of communism. And the Soviet Union wanted to spread communism. So each side wanted to spread their own ideas around the world.Not to mention Soviet Union were horrible and murdered millions.Soviet Union would have taken all of Europe if given the chance. Both sides meeting in Berlin stopped them.

I never said capitalism and Democracy go hand and hand. China proves that isn't true. But the DRA was a mini Soviet Union,single party undemocratic piece of crap.Communism was the force against imperialism?That was the idea but in reality it became a dictatorship that enslaved the population to the state.

Religion is regarded by the common people as true, by the wise as false, and by rulers as useful.


The CIA created Islamic Fundamentalism in 1979. It was a way to draw the Soviet Union into a war with Afghanistan. It gave the Soviets their "Vietnam War" so to speak. It destroyed their economy and dispelled support of Communism.

During the war, the US, UK, and Pakistan all supported groups of Arab fighters - the 'Mujahedeen'. Two of these freedom-fighters were Ramzi Yousef, and Osama bin Laden. Books printed by the University of Nebraska and paid for by the U.S. Department of Education taught the Mujahedeen radical theories of Islam and treated them to math problems and literature exercises riddled with allusions to guns, bombs, tanks... just overall, general killing. They trained them to be violent, and then they wonder why they became terrorists.

After the Soviets withdrew, the Mujahedeen were left without political support in a war-torn, impoverished, and socially unstable nation-state. So they started a second resistance movement - this time aimed toward the United States. And the primary group formed at this time, in the late eighties was al Qaeda.

Al Qaeda was an intelligence operation from the start... straight up to now. From its inception, Al Qaeda was trained, funded, armed, and supported by the Pakistani intelligence agency, the ISI. The ISI, by its own disclosure, is an arm of the American CIA.

Iran-Contra channeled money to states already considered terrorist-nations, like Iran, Iraq, Libya, and Lebanon. And as the other half, trillions of dollars in illegal narcotics have made their way into this country, from the Middle East, the Far East and Latin America. It shows a pattern of fraud and complicity by the U.S. Government to promote instability abroad, to further their domestic agenda.

The mainstream media typically ignore this connection, of course.


To the original poster:
You are 100% correct!!!


You are dumb. The northern alliance was not terrorists. Al queda was the result of typical American ignorance and the will to only go halfway and waist lives by not finishing the job. It's also the result of men using religion to brainwash idiots and kids.


I said the exact same thing to a couple of Govt officers in US and they got all worked up, lol.
