MovieChat Forums > The Siege (1998) Discussion > If these events happened today.....

If these events happened today.....

Let's say the 'terrorists' were smart enough to evade local authorities and the federal officers (FBI, CIA, NSA). Now let's say that bombs are going off everywhere killing thousands of people (every day life in the Middle East).

You would see Obama send in the army. No doubt that they will try to kill an a few ants with shotguns and smart bombs. This time, there will be no "Hub" to preach the Constitution. There would be no 'good guys' to stop the 'bad guys'. Right now, all the players are playing for the same coach. They are all on the same team. So if they bend the law, then so be it. 9/11 made sure they can do so without losing their jobs or going to jail.

There would be concentration camps. There would be massive racial profiling. There would be random, warrant less shakedowns and arrests. There would be torture and murders. There would be suspension of Habeus Corpus. There would be suspension of posse comitatus.

But the worst part is that the American public, who most are plain sheep, would be all for it. You'll hear chants of "Kill them rag heads", "Get rid of them Jihads", "Nuke the Middle East", "Good riddance", "When can I watch football again?". There would be very little support of sympathy for the Arabs.

Basically, it would be twice as bad as what we saw in the movie.


You're just being optimistic.


Binkconn... truer words. The carnage wouldn't stop in the U.S. People in other countries would pay the price as well.


It's relatively easy to do so. I mean look at your south border. It does have more holes than a machego cheese. With all the insecurity and immigration going on on Mexico Im sure than a few arabs would go unnoticed. If they can smuggle tons of cocaine and millons of people a year, Im sure that it's easier to smuggle 100 terrorist and a few hundred pounds of explosive plus AR-15 and AK-47. To attack whatever from malls to sport events.

To tell you the truth Im very suspicious by the fact that there hasnt been any attacks since 9/11. US must know this too since it's not ground breaking intel, and so does the yihaddist.

That's why Ive been insistent to US citizens that shift your attention to the war on drugs waged in Mexico. If there is more security there, US would be too safer.


"To tell you the truth Im very suspicious by the fact that there hasnt been any attacks since 9/11. US must know this too since it's not ground breaking intel, and so does the yihaddist."
Not suspicious or surprising at all. You really think anyone thought they would wipe out jihadist terrorism by attacking Afghanistan and Iraq? Wipe it all out? No, 9/11 was an attempt to get infidels out of Islamic lands and Muslim concerns. Every hijacker's ultimate goal was to advance the Islamic ummah, to have Islam the ruling power worldwide. The only way to discourage this (because as you say anyone can smuggle a couple tons of explosives into a football stadium), is to take a couple Islamic chess pieces off the world board. It was/is an object lesson. The people recruited for these attacks don't care about their death or anybody's for that matter, or at least they care about advancing Islam FAR more. Installing democracies where everyone - man, woman, Muslim and infidel - has an equal vote is the only threat the jihadists take seriously.


Basically, it would be twice as bad as what we saw in the movie.

twice as bad as what we saw in the movie would be 'neighbours', the aussie soap. the figures are pretty much exact.

natural po-lice...


What? If there were THOUSANDS of people being killed you'd seriously think that "racial profiling" and "warrantless arrests" were the big problems of the day? What is wrong with you? You'd be happy for thousands to die if it would mean *inconveniencing* some people to save them? You're everything that's wrong with America.


Holeinthesky, you're a simpleminded moron that has no clue about the Constitution, the legal framework of American laws...or anything about America, for that matter. There are right ways to accomplish tasks, and there are wrong ways to accomplish tasks. 1)Setting up internment camps for selected groups of people, 2)suspension of posse comitatus & habeas corpus, 3)strong military presence, coupled with martial law, 4)military & police confiscating legally owned firearms and other supplies and rationing peoples' goods, 5)and throwing away the Constitution, are ALL wrong ways to accomplish tasks.

Why is it that Americans have been conditioned to believe that the government has to protect them? That it is better to trade in your freedoms for safety. Actually Benjamin Franklin had a great quote on that: "They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety." What happened to self-sufficiency in this day and age? If there's a terrorist attack, suddenly provisions and bills are set up that restricts a person's freedoms, just in case another attack occurs......because we're so backwards in this day and age that in order for an attack to be resolved, that we need to treat US citizens like prisoners, and call it safety. And the kicker is, people are so weak, they would trade in their freedoms for safety.

Holeinthesky, people like YOU are everything that's wrong with America. You don't have a f#cking clue about the history of America, about the Constitution (for Christ sakes, you probably think that America was founded to be a Democracy), various American laws, and how your rights are being violated in the name of "National Security". Only in America anymore, can people be detained indefinitely without due process, monitored, and be branded as an "extremist" if they are: a returning military vet, a gun owner, pro-life supporter, Christian, oppose the IRS and/or Federal Reserve, or a Ron Paul supporter (look up the Right-Wing Extremist Act).

Lastly, if the US government would follow the laws of how our country was supposed to politically be, when it comes to individuals, it would be more along the lines of "You have your right to do whatever, until it affects me". You know, that's sad if thousands die because of some unfortunate event, but it's my family first. I won't sacrifice my family or their freedoms for others.

"Every time there is a bang, the world's a wanker short." -Billy Connolly


Posse Comitatus and Habeus Corpus have already been suspended. There is nothing stopping tptb from doing anything they want, whenever they want. But their most clever trick is getting the people to beg for whatever it is they want to employ or implement, so, yes, another "terrorist" event is coming. It's just a matter of when.

Al Qaeda was an intelligence operation from the start... straight up to now. From its inception, Al Qaeda was trained, funded, armed, and supported by the Pakistani intelligence agency, the ISI. The ISI, by its own disclosure, is an arm of the American CIA. In other words, the terrorists do not have to be smart enough to evade any of the alphabet agencies...enough said.

Just follow the money and it's fairly simple to figure out.



Imagine that it is white terrorist like Oklahoma they start attacking city's and kill 1000

Would it be ok to arrest you because you fit the profile would it be ok to go further

Let say some guy you know from work or life is a terrorist, Army start torturing him he say to cover his friend
-Ask Holeinthesky he know everything about the next big attack!

Would it be ok to torture you then? If you fit the right "terrorist profile"right wing nuts and some guy under torture say that you can save lifes if you give up info.

-Army grab you at your home in front of all your family , neighbors start to think that you are really one of them and start attacking your friends and kids.

-Army start torturing you ,after all you might really know about the next big attack like the last terrorist said during torture.

-Sure you say that you are innocent that you dont know anything, that you love america...
But that is what a terrorist would say if he was trying to hide something big so the army go stronger on you and your family sending them to camps...and oups you are dead .
You are still seen as a terrorist and get buried like one.

Same could happen if you have a car matching terrorist activities or just a friend or family member who is part of that terrorist group .

Still sound good to you?
After all you and your family are just some people and it might save many life's right.


Well look at Boston- how many men were out looking for the alleged bombers? 8000?


Israel has seen far worse, and they don't resort to any of those measures.

So, no.
