This movie is the eye opener to the internal friction between these two bodies because of methods of operations. Throws light on the mistakes that the CIA never accept, like financing the operations and having their facts wrong about 'subjects'. I don't know when they will learn that being a spy in not everything. They gather intelligence and come to false conclusions that certain 'subjects' are a threat to national security out of personal connections for which they have no proof. Then they walk about ruining personal relationships by acquiring files even when family could be betrayed, broken and sometimes lead to the loss of loved ones. She threw sand on her own face because she overlooked the possibility of what if we cannot trust Sameer. As Denzel Washington says - They've already won. The very country that kicks them around gets all the attention. In the end the political power takes the upper hand and the only family who stays by their side to save lives get sand on their faces. Thanks to the director of the film for having the guts to portray the CIA with what mistakes they are capable of doing. They think they are Gods and Kings but they are not. It's no wonder everyone struggles for the power of running operations because of their sleazy methodology.


The Mujahideen of yesteryear has demonstrated it can evolve into the Al Qaeda of today.


Oh don't be fooled by the media portrayal of the CIA. That's the image the CIA wants you to believe so you can excuse them of their corruption. Yeah, it was all a mistake. Suuuuure. No foresight, no proper planning. It's bullshyt. They use that as an excuse to hide their true actions and motivations. There are organizations of smaller countries who have better track records of dealing with terrorism and have less problems because they're not trying to stir the pot, and create conflict like the CIA is.
