MovieChat Forums > The Siege (1998) Discussion > Lebanon is not Afganistan guys !!!

Lebanon is not Afganistan guys !!!

... i mean wtf guys ??
please some of you really need to learn some geography and learn more to be cultural !!!

Lebanon is not a terrorist country ... In fact , lebanon is the 2nd Tourstic country in the Middle-East after Turkey !!

lebanon does not have an Kaida Member , or Taliban , Or "Jihad" people or Racist Islamic people ...

Lebanon is a peacefull country who finally learn from the old civil war in 1975-1990 , all lebanese people ... chiite , sunnite , maronite , druz , catholic , orthodox are living in peace and have a lot of common between them

This movie Sometimes gave some winks about Beirut (the capital of lebanon) accusing it of being a terrorist city ... HELL NO !!!
if ur looking to spend a great summer ... one advice ... Go To BEIRUT !!
go to "rawche" beach , go and enjoy in the marina , go and make shopping in Downtown beirut , go have lunch in some fabulous restaurant and taste the awesome lebanese food who is so much famous about his appetizers !!!

a Message to all the producers , directors , actors in Hollywood ... Please stop hurting lebanon's reputation , he's a not a typical arabic coutnry , he's a "Message" as the Pop John Paul the second desribes it :

"Lebanon is more than a country , he's a Message"


Would you guarentee that i dont get blown up by being close to an assassination attempt (wissam el hassan for example)?, can i visit the border areas without being subjected to artillery fire? Can i stay for a month or so in tripoli without being caught in a sectarian firefight? Are *beep* sunni christian druze relaions that ok? There's not even a government now man, come on im lebanese dont be naive



Well Labanon has Hezbollah, and Hezbollah are terrorists with an army.

watch my movie-reviews



Sure there is a Tripoli in Lebanon as well.


Da Fak does Tripoli have to do with a topic about Lebanon?


I was replying to a comment,which is no longer here,the comment complained that the film had said TRIPOLI was in Lebanon when it is in fact in Libya.but there is a Tripoli in Lebanon as well.
Being patriotic is fine but the idea that Lebanon is a trouble free place that is safe to visit is hard to support when looking at the facts.


I was replying to a comment,which is no longer here

That's why its always a good idea to put at least the pertinent part of their post in quotes. It really helps with lucidity.


Shhh. It's Lebanifstan. Just kidding. It's typical Hollywood. There's no distinction.

The plural of mouse is mice. The plural of goose is geese. Why is the plural of moose not meese?


you're a liar.

i mostly will not be able to answer your reply, since marissa mayer hacked my email, no notification
