Lebanon is not Afganistan guys !!!
... i mean wtf guys ??
please some of you really need to learn some geography and learn more to be cultural !!!
Lebanon is not a terrorist country ... In fact , lebanon is the 2nd Tourstic country in the Middle-East after Turkey !!
lebanon does not have an Kaida Member , or Taliban , Or "Jihad" people or Racist Islamic people ...
Lebanon is a peacefull country who finally learn from the old civil war in 1975-1990 , all lebanese people ... chiite , sunnite , maronite , druz , catholic , orthodox are living in peace and have a lot of common between them
This movie Sometimes gave some winks about Beirut (the capital of lebanon) accusing it of being a terrorist city ... HELL NO !!!
if ur looking to spend a great summer ... one advice ... Go To BEIRUT !!
go to "rawche" beach , go and enjoy in the marina , go and make shopping in Downtown beirut , go have lunch in some fabulous restaurant and taste the awesome lebanese food who is so much famous about his appetizers !!!
a Message to all the producers , directors , actors in Hollywood ... Please stop hurting lebanon's reputation , he's a not a typical arabic coutnry , he's a "Message" as the Pop John Paul the second desribes it :
"Lebanon is more than a country , he's a Message"