MovieChat Forums > Treasure Planet (2002) Discussion > A Search for Greater Things

A Search for Greater Things

I know people have been singing its praises, but seriously, I think that this is probably one of Disney's greatest movies. It is so original: I think its the only Disney movie that does NOT have the lead character involved in any romantic plot whatsoever, there wasn't even a female character Jim's age anywhere in the movie. They pulled it off so well too, it's such a pioneer in animation writing; they made a fantastic movie just using a truly moving (and grounded) plotline. Having Jim struggle with REAL problems that young people face and go on an adventure and come back having learned honestly valuable lessons without ever having to involve a romantic partner is so refreshing and original in an animated movie. This movie is about so much more than finding a princess and a happily-ever-after; its about finding yourself and finding a way to be happy in the world, and almost more importantly than that, its about finding peace and happiness that DOESN'T require or depend on someone else - finding a way to be happy just with yourself, to solve your own problems without relying on unrealistic fairytale endings that magic it all away, which makes it such a meaningful movie and the BEST message for kids. This movie affected me so much more than almost any other Disney movies I've seen, I couldn't get it out of my head for weeks afterward!

It is so disappointing that so few people saw this movie and even still don't know about it, seriously it's probably one of my favorite movies of all time. Not that I don't enjoy all the other princess Disney movies and that, but this one actually hit home and meant something important to me, and involved a story that I could really relate to. Jim was searching for what I was - a way to make life meaningful for him.


Motto to the nth degree.

Supermodels...spoiled stupid little stick figures mit poofy lips who sink only about zemselves.


It's really such a well done movie. Story, characters, voices, animation. All just awesome.

How did this movie not make a profit? Was everyone sick of Disney movies? Too childish for adults, too violent for kids?

Such a shame it didn't get the attention it deserved when it came out. In time more will discover it.


Heartily agreed!!

One of my goals in life is to introduce people to this wonderful movie. So far I have "converted" about five people, who all think it is amazing and can't understand why it's not more well known. They in turn are telling other people about this movie, and hopefully eventually it will get the recognition it deserves.

I also agree on the romance part, it was so nice to see a movie not centered around "princes" and "princesses" and "true love". Just a kid who struggles like we all do with screwing up and not being able to live up to expectations. Unlike a lot of other disney characters Jim was completely real to me, a character with flaws. Too many characters have very few flaws nowadays, which drives me nuts.

I better stop or this will turn into a rant.

"The world is a mess and I just... need to rule it"


This is the best post I've read in a while. I'm so happy to see that other people are so deeply touched by this movie. It becomes so personal, doesn't it? There was so much emotion in those characters voices and expressions, so real in my opinion. You can't help but identify with Jim, and if you're anything like me, absolutely adore him.
