MovieChat Forums > Treasure Planet (2002) Discussion > July 3 2012 10th anniversary bluray

July 3 2012 10th anniversary bluray has confirmed that treasure planet and home on the range will get the 1080p royal disney treatment. For those of us who are fans of the 2000's films this is great news, for those who hated them, your gonna love it too, it gives you something to bitch about.

Don't worry about the world ending, its already tomorrow in Australia.


Because if there ever was a movie that deserved to get the "1080p royal Disney treatment", it's Home on the Range.

Supermodels...spoiled stupid little stick figures mit poofy lips who sink only about zemselves.


i love home on the range

Don't worry about the world ending, its already tomorrow in Australia.


You're probably very lonely in that regard. I consider it just this side of okay (6/10), and most others aren't that kind.

Supermodels...spoiled stupid little stick figures mit poofy lips who sink only about zemselves.


eh its cool, i followed home on the range for a very long time , when the story was not the story i know. i guess this film along with treasure planet and about a handful of others are the black sheep.
its funny cause for 2-3 weeks it was top film , or so the advertisements were showing , so met what did you like and or dislike about home on the range if you don't mind me asking
Don't worry about the world ending, its already tomorrow in Australia.


It was too... "frothy" I guess is the word for it. It was hard to take any of the plot seriously on any level, the characters ranged from uninteresting to annoying, the animation style was REALLY not suited to the story, and many of the jokes fell flat (a fatal flaw in a supposed comedy). Best part about it were the songs. The songs were phenomenal. That said, there wasn't much about it that was BAD bad, just sadly mediocre.

Supermodels...spoiled stupid little stick figures mit poofy lips who sink only about zemselves.

