MovieChat Forums > Treasure Planet (2002) Discussion > I Still Don't Understand...

I Still Don't Understand...

...Why the hell this received low review scores from critics. I can understand bombing at box office (seriously, releasing this at the at the same time Harry Potter AND Lord of the Rings premired is ****ing stupid on Disney's Part,) but I can't comprehend as to why so many critics disliked it. This was by far one of Disney's best and most original films (extremely original setting and art direction, an actual protagonist with depth and no forced romances,) in the last 10-15 years; did they not enjoy it because 3D animation was the new, hip thing to like or something!?

I just re-watched the film yesterday, and it still baffles me as to why it did so poorly with the critics.


Well, it's not TOO bad. It's got a 69% "Fresh" rating on RottenTomatoes (6.5/10) and a 60/100 on MetaCritic (right on the cusp of "Positive"), so it could (and should) be better, but could also be much worse.

Supermodels...spoiled stupid little stick figures mit poofy lips who sink only about zemselves.


A big part of of it was critics resisting the change in setting. Example read Ebert's review if you get a chance. He thought it was good except he could not get over the change in setting. This kind of review is useless, especially to anyone who has never experienced the source material. Is Star Wars good or bad because it changed the setting used in the original, The Hidden Fortress? Few of it's audience ever knew or cared. Hanging or celebrating a film for such a thing is arbitrary and irrelevant. Judged on it's own merits, as many critics did, it comes off quite well.


Reviews I've read from when it was released were quite possible. The only notably negative ones I encountered were after it bombed.


Really? Was it really that poorly critically received? My impression was that the crtics (overall) liked it better than "Atlantis".
