by Captain_Augustus_McCrae » Wed Jul 4 2012 14:26:25 IMDb member since September 2006 Why did they have to muddle things up with a lame sci-fi setting? Did they think they would improve a timeless classic by changing it? What hubris!
Yes, they actually did think that. I think it's an okay film, but I have to agree with Roger Ebert here. It does seem like an odd duck with the space setting.
It is a good movie after a fashion, and I think Disney just squeaked by the campy abyss by injecting its usual high production values to make the film work.
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The space/Steam punk setting were the last bit of ingredients to making it more unique and cool. Visually and their ideas came off really original. The whole sean setting has been done to death, and it would've been much different, and less original.