MovieChat Forums > Treasure Planet (2002) Discussion > Anyone else think the Captain was hot?

Anyone else think the Captain was hot?

Don't lie, I know many of you thought so. And don't judge, why
do you think Catwoman is so attractive? Something about feline-istic women that people find strangely attractive.

"Negative, I am a meat popsicle"


She was incredibly hawt and i loved her quips about the crew

Captain Amelia: How did i describe them Arrow? I said something rather good before coffee this morning.
Mr Arrow: "A Ludicrous parcel of driveling galoots maam"
Captain Amelia: "There you go, poetry."

"A True Patriot Need Not Fear The SongBird"



Not so much her appearance. Too much of a cartoon / animal feel there. But there was something about her... maybe it's the alluring voice and she being a female with poise in a position of authority commanding rough male characters. But in all honesty, I was smitten by another character- Sarah Hawkins. Hawt!



As much as I hate to admit it, I thought she was hot too.

Doppler is one



She's a babe.

"I said no camels, that's five camels, can't you count?"


I didn't thought of her as attractive, but she was my favorite character in the movie. A quite likeable character.


If u r into furry that is fine


she was mixture of a cat and w woman, nothing hotter
there is a reason while the women in avatarlooked so cat like


Not her looks so much as her personality and her voice, but yeah I thought she was pretty sexy. 😀
