Was Silver Jims dad?

I just got that father/son vibe when I saw it.

And not because how they became friends, but something about when jim
told silver about it, and they never showed jim's dad's face.

What is today if tommorow was yesterday and today is wednesday?


No. That's just pushing it.
Besides, Jim's full human.

Supermodels...spoiled stupid little stick figures mit poofy lips who sink only about zemselves.


Cyborgs are full human too - they just add machinery later. They aren't born that way. They aren't techno-organic. They are modified humans. Some consider a human being who wears glasses to be a cyborg - it's a real stretch, though, as the glasses aren't permanently affixed.



'Cept Silver's not a human cyborg...

Supermodels...spoiled stupid little stick figures mit poofy lips who sink only about zemselves.


I don't think it's stated for certain but there is the one scene where they both do identitcal gestures of frustration after Arrow tell Silver Jim's not to watch the launch. Also isn't Silver Human? Sure he may be a cyborg, but like Long John who had a crutch Silver here has cyber- prosthetics. Also both Jim and Silver are quite the daredevils;p

Vi Veri Veniversum Vivus Vici
By the power of truth I, while living, have conquered the universe


No John Silver is not related to Jim Hawkins or else they would of reveal it in the movie. In the book version of Treasure Island and...I need to see if I got this or not (It's been forever that I read the book since middle school) there was no talk about Jim and Silver being related in any way.

Life's what you make it, so let's make it right! Hannah Montana quote from the show


Yea, Silver is not Jim's dad. He was meant to be a father figure, and that is likely why Jim feels even more betrayed by Silver.


Also isn't Silver Human? Sure he may be a cyborg, but like Long John who had a crutch Silver here has cyber- prosthetics.

Hmmm doesn't Silver have like pointy dog-like ears? I'm pretty sure he's alien. So no, they can't be related. The story would be kind of sad and tragic if they were.

"I hope I'm there, catching some of the light comin' off ya that day." ~Silver, Treasure Planet


xXErisedaXx "Hmmm doesn't Silver have like pointy dog-like ears?"

He's more like a bear, I think.

Whatever he is, he's not human, and he's not Jim's dad. I don't believe Jim's mom had a kink for space critters. Near the beginning, the cops ask Doppler if he's Jim's father, and Jim's mother is like, "Ewwwww."

Fortunately for Doppler, Captain Amelia was not so species-conscious.


And Doppler gave a grimace like, "Hey, wait a minute!"


Jnbfwc: "And Doppler gave a grimace like, 'Hey, wait a minute!'"

Yeah, they both looked pretty grossed out.

I suppose if you were a member of an intelligent species with muzzles (given the size of the universe, it's a pretty sure bet that there are some out there) human faces would look repulsively flat. It would be like boffing a monkey. Amelia wasn't a member of Doppler's species, but at least she had one.


racroen, I've never thought of it that way, and I'm loving your dose of perspective! We humans are so vain, we never stop to think that through the eyes of a different species we look ridiculously hideous. XD

"I hope I'm there, catching some of the light comin' off ya that day." ~Silver, Treasure Planet


xXErisedaXx: "...I'm loving your dose of perspective! We humans are so vain, we never stop to think that through the eyes of a different species we look ridiculously hideous."


As an artist, whether there's a universal, objective standard of aesthetics interests me. I'm tempted to say there's not, and yet... is there anyone on Earth who doesn't think sunsets are beautiful? Wildflowers? Mountains? Even a straight guy can appreciate Michelangelo's David. The question goes deeper once you take sexual attraction out of the mix.

There might actually be one. Problem is, we only have other humans to ask about it.

That said, human or not, Amelia was one serious babe. Foxy kitty! Meeeeeowwwww.


LOL, somewhere along the way in this thread, people got Silver and Doppler mixed up. How, I haven't the faintest idea.


no, he wasn't jim's dad. have you even seen the movie? no offense.



He's a bear-like creature. Also I think Doppler and Amelia are the same species with a form of sexual
dimorphism, because stereotypically dogs are male and cats are female. Notice how at the end of the movie
they have kids and the kids are 3 kittens and a puppy.
