Really liked this remake.

I'm not a huge fan of the Planet of the Apes franchise but watching this film really grew on me, it felt authentic, natural and realistic in terms of communication/society humans would have to deal with apes. Honestly, the only thing that was kind of a deal breaker was the ending which was definitely baiting for some sort of a sequel that never happened.

Dawn of the Planet of the Apes was another great film for the franchise albeit this one definitely feels more down to Earth (no pun) though I've said this before already.

Anyhow, dunno why people hate this film so much to have a mediocre score.


I like this movie too.


I think it was really undone by Wahlberg's and Estella Warren's monochromatic acting. (Whatever happened to her anyway?)

And the assorted cringey one-liners and 'I-see-what-you-did-there' call backs to the original movie didn't help.

That ending which tries so hard to emulate the gut punch of the original also didn't earn any love.

Coulda been much better...


it was crap.


She declined to b-erotic films into oblivion.


I am one of those who hate this movie with a passion.
One of the reasons is how they go out of their way to make no
sense and show contempt for science and reason, but the other
reason is just that it should have been BETTER than the original
or they should just not have done it.

I loved the original Planet Of The Apes, which I always love it
when the movie is so good that it triumphs over terrible special
effects ... kind of like the Star Trek series.


I liked the terrible special effects.




There are so many things wrong, and stupid, about this remake.

The only movie of this whole planet of the apes genre I can stomach is the original movie with Charlton Heston. That had just the right plot, weirdness and blend of seriousness and humor. Loved that movie, hate this one and the other three that were in the 2000's. Even the sequels to the original movie were better than these new ones, but they still were not as good as the original.
