Busses - Goof?

When Homer goes to the science fair, he rides on a Greyhound bus. But when his mother has to ship replacements for his stolen parts, she says they'll be at the Trailways depot. Did both bus lines serve Coalville?


At the time Greyhound and Trailways both served most localities in the US.


yeah, the bus station in our town used to have Greyhound, Trailways and Indian Trails.


Another question about buses, didn't the one Homer rode to Indianapolis look awfully new? It didn't look like a 50s era bus at all.


I believe the buses with the elevated "panoramic" sections came in the late 50s/early 60s, so I think they could be a handful of years off with the bus styling.

But it was not a late 60s/70s style bus -- at most it might have been early-to-mid-60s. So in the range of possible anachronisms, it wasn't some glaringly obvious screwup.


4) You ever seen Superman $#$# his pants? Case closed.


I believe the buses with the elevated "panoramic" sections came in the late 50s/early 60s

That was the timeline of the movie, Fall 1957 (Launch of Sputnik) to Spring 1958 (National Science Fair in the International Geophysical Year). The timeline of the book was longer, 1957 to 1960 (summer before Homer left for college). So by your account, the bus is not anachronistic for either timelines.
