Inspirational Film

I've seen this film a few times over the years. But seeing it recently, it strikes be how different American youth is today, by comparison. The events of this film depict a time when Americans worked tirelessly to achieve something for the greater good.

Americans today are lazy, over-priveliged and entitled. This film should be shown to every high school class. Its an inspirational piece that shows what made America a once great nation.

Sadly, America's educational curriculum has become all about teaching cultural diversity and all that PC jazz, rather than teaching basic critical thinking skills and proficiency in math and writing.

Stiving for cultural diversity and tolerence, economic equality in our educational system at the expense of everything comes at a high very cost. America is only beginning to pay the price.

Who's High Pitch?


Funnily enough the movie depicts diversity, which is true to the book. Not only did the mine have black employees as well as people from Italian, Eastern European and other backgrounds, but the one employee was Jewish. That sort of surprised me.
