MovieChat Forums > Wing Commander (1999) Discussion > Was i bored and made up parts of this mo...

Was i bored and made up parts of this movie?

i really don't remember seeing this movie but i know i did. the only thing i remember was they boarded this ship and started fighting some lions. Will someone clarify if I was bored out of my mind at this terrible movie and started making up my own movie, or if this actually happened?


Nope, that actually happened in the movie. It seems weird to some people, but if you read the Wing Commander novels, then it explains that the pilots also double as soldiers, which is why Blair was on the ship.

Anywho, the "lions" are known as the Kilrathi, and if you played the video games, then yes, they did look like lions (especially in Wing Commander III: Heart of the Tiger). However, they sort of screwed that up in the movie, and now they look like freakish hairless kitties.

Looks like you forgot to take your anti-retard pills again.


I suggest you buy all the Wing Commander games to catch up to us!

(The first is the best)


Uh, no. This was basically Roberts-the-moron's re-write of WC history; the WC us gamers came to know and love was mostly NOT Roberts creation. He came up with a simple idea, other developers and writers ran with it - taking over in 2 and Privateer, and bossing him around in 4 (he was forced in during 3.) Prophecy sucked and was the end of the franchise, the movie was the nail-gun loaded nails into the coffin to end it all.

Pilots are NOT marines in Wing Commander. Pilots are pilots, soldiers are soldiers, marines are marines. Kilrathi have thick hair and are not retarded. There is no "Pilgrum" sub-plot, no force crap. The timeline is not 1-4 running simutaniously in one horrific mess. AKA, DO NOT READ ANY BOOK BASED ON THIS GOD AWFUL MOVIE RE-WRITE OF THE UNIVERSE!!!!!!! EVER!!!!


Pilots can actually be used as marines, it's described in the novels that were based off the games, not the movie. In the movie, Blair wasn't supposed to be there as a marine, but had the scene not been cut, we would have seen that he was the gunner on the marine transport.

Looks like you forgot to take your anti-retard pills again.


Lol this movie killed the wing commander games i believe. After this the TV show got canceled (the show was actually good) and the only game made after it was Prophecy. After that they sank their Privateer 3 and never did another game...

Probably add in the fact that games now a days are for people with ADD so the simulation genre is dead. Only RTS, FPS, midless RPGs and console style games are made now for the most part. Unless the DEV of the game is from the mid-early 90s like Sid Meiers or Will Wright.


The TV show was cancelled back in 1996. It only lasted one season. As for games made afterwards, Prophecy was made back in 1997, so that wasn't the last game either.

I don't think that this movie killed off the Wing Commander series, but it certainly didn't help it. Over here in America, anyway. I've heard that it did well over in Europe.

Anyway, Origin decided to focus everything into its Ultima series, since that's where most of its sales were coming from. After the Star Trek show Enterprise debuted, there was talk of a live-action Wing Commander series, which could still be in the planning stages (as doubtful as it might be). EA (the owners of Origin before it "shut down") had a talk late last year of bringing back various series that it had done over the past years, and Wing Commander was brought up. EA knows that there is a good fanbase, and there's certainly a market for a new sequel, so they may end up looking into it in the next few years.

Looks like you forgot to take your anti-retard pills again.


That's a pretty bad observation. The movie may have slowed the production of more Wing Commander games, and may have been in part responsable for the cancellation of the cartoon (if time travel were possible)... but, you will still plug in your copy of WC4 on occasion, despite what the movie was like. You will also talk about a movie, that in your opinion was no good, 5 years after the fact on an internet message board. I think this movie, that I personally liked, did more for you than you are willing to admit to.

It's also laughable to say that realtime stratagy and role-playing games are geared towards people that can't concentrate, that defeats the purpose of those games, and the 2 hour sessions some people have playing one (1) game of Star Craft or War Craft or C&C or whatever over the net. Or the countless hours spent to improve in an MMORPG like EverQuest, Star Wars Galaxies, or Final Fantasy XI. Or in fact the days spent on console based RPGs to complete the game.

Learn your video game genres.


Read my post. I shot down just about everything the person said about how it screwed up Wing Commander. That poster didn't know what he/she was talking about.

Looks like you forgot to take your anti-retard pills again.
