MovieChat Forums > Wing Commander (1999) Discussion > Good for a rainy Saturday

Good for a rainy Saturday

I watched this a few weeks ago with my brother. He came over on a Saturday and we had nothing to do since it was raining, so we picked this up and got some pizza.

It wasn't that bad, but it requires the viewer to not take it too seriously. I liked the movie for its basic theme which was essentially a WWII movie in space.

In a way, it reminded me of Midway and Pearl Harbor (the battles not the movies). For example, the attack at the beginning on the asteroid base, and the pursuit by the Tigerclaw of the Kilrathi battlegroup to determine its purpose. Pearl and Midway respectively.

As a Sci Fi fan, I overlooked any inconsistencies insofar as basic physics were concerned, and I didn't compare it to the finer Sci Fi of our generation.

But then I liked "Space: Above and Beyond" so what do I know...LOL
