MovieChat Forums > Wing Commander (1999) Discussion > Sequels ready for the making!

Sequels ready for the making!

If Wing Commander should have any sequels to hit the big screen, for gamers who've played the games (WC1,2,3,4) it's not too hard to predict what happens next. Since the movie portraid some characters differently (ie: Taggart was scottish in the game, in the movie he was french. Angel was from Belgium, but in the movie she was english) which of course would change the sequels a bit. The sequels should be pretty good, esspecially with the Kilrathi's new fighter that has everyone in crisis not to mention the trechery within the Terran ranks. Take a good look at the games with their storylines and that should give you a good idea what the movie sequals should be like, all up I'd say the sounds very promising.


I assume that this post is only a year old, but if you look at the box office...this movie tanked. Period. There will never be a sequel.

Not to mention that this movie pretty much screwed the whole Wing Commander series, although some of the games are now being released on GBA. Which is nice to see some life breathed back in...although it's highly doubtful that there will ever be a brand-new video game.

Pity, it really is.


Hm...seems as though the games haven't been yet or aren't being released for the GBA. Oh well.


HA HA! Never mind! I was just up on eBay at it shows that Wing Commander: Prophecy has been released on GBA, at least over in England.


I thought it was hilarious how they changed Paladin to French, but kept his Scottish name ;).


Wasn't Dev also originally Belgian? I remember reading that on a website somewhere.


yeah, the nationality of characters changing was pretty dumb. james taggart - that sounds REALLY french doesn't it? and jeanette devereux, with a name like that she must be english. it doesn't really affect the plot, but it just makes the makers look really stupid.

i have to say, i saw this film on tv and even though i'd heard nothing but bad about it, i loved the games and thought at the least it would be interesting to see how they'd done it. i assumed since chris roberts was directing it would be pretty faithful. but i turned it off after just 30 mins, which is something i'll do really rarely, but this really was dire.

other problems i had with the film are hunter's character being such an ass hole. he was a nice guy in the games and some of the books are told through his eyes. and what was all that stuff about the pilgrims? it just made it look like a really obvious star wars wannabe.


Jeanette and Devereux are both VERY VERY French names. While I haven't played the games, in the movie Angel is an orphan which would explain any difference in her name's origin to her accent. Burrows also played an excellent 'unwilling' leader, struggling with the fact that she was not in complete control, and with the pain of the former CO and her former lover LCmd Chen dying in battle.

A sequel would be nice, but like it was mentioned the film sank like a rock at the box office. The most we could hope for is a straight to home video movie, and those are always wastes of time, ie: John Carpenters Vampires: Los Muerntos, Starship Troopers 2, etc...


Yeah. Paladin's accent can be partially chalked down to his intelligence background.


I'm only disappointed that the movie didn't star the cast from the games.
Oh, well.

iio typ;fed thiis withm y peeniks/


Yeah it would be nice to see forty year old cadets new to the Tiger's Claw crew.;)
Actually, I enjoyed the movie and thought the cast was alright. But judging from the publicity 20th Century Fox did, it almost seemed like they were trying to kill the movie's chances. After all Star Wars Episode 1 was only a few months away. ;)
I don't truthfully belive that but I think if a WC movie was done properly, and advertised properly, it could give Star Wars a run for its money any day. Hell, WC been kick Star Wars' ass in the gaming for a long time.


Wing Commander does need to come back. The last game in the series was made back in 1999. Seriously, the world of gaming needs a return to space fighter combat sims.

Looks like you forgot to take your anti-retard pills again.


Freelancer was pretty good, if you can stand flying with a mouse


Freelancer and Starlancer are both great games that harken back to their Wing Commander pedigree, but they're still just not Wing Commander.



They shouldn't concentrate on the whole cadet thing and put Biff and Mark Hamill back in the cockpit.

Best thing would be putting the Wing Commander 3 and 4 stories (make them more deeper and longer as 2 season series on tv. That would be awesome.


There has actually been talks of making a Wing Commander live-action TV series, according to Chris Roberts. However, it doesn't look like anything has happened with it, although with the recent success of Battlestar Galactica, perhaps there will be some renewed interest in it.

Looks like you forgot to take your anti-retard pills again.


Crazy thing I just found out thanks to's posting of an old article from 1999. Turns out that Freddie Prinze, Jr.'s contract had him signed up for two Wing Commander movies, should a sequel ever have been made. With the commerical failure that this movie had, it obviously won't happen, but one can always dream.

Looks like you forgot to take your anti-retard pills again.


I read the same thing yesterday after reading all the WC forums/posts.

Battlestar Galactica was awesome, if Chris Roberts can make a live action series with good cat cgi and similair space fights (perhaps more than galactica) and good characterization (spelled?!?) it will be a hit.
As long as he doesn't copy too much from BSG


I guess its hard to understand why some movies are seemingly good (or at least entertaining) but tanks, or vice versa. How many live action Sci-Fi movies these days feature starfighters? I think a good space battle is the backbone of any great Sci-Fi flick. Otherwise you get something like 2001: A Space Odessy, or Gattaca. People rave about movies like these, but frankly I found them kinda boring. So, as long as the space battles were well done, it pretty much got my vote for a sequel. Heck, I've never played WC in my life.


The sequeals if they are ever done which I do not think they will be, should be based on the movie, th VG are a seperate thing all together, it woul be like looking for Mark Hamill to drop his snotty arrogance to start in a new Star Wars movie. to be honest if he had been in this movies he would have KILLED it and no force would have saved it. also VG can do alot more with less budget then a movie can and I would not want to see a VG movie, but a movie movie. Like resident evil, based on the game but is not the VG
