MovieChat Forums > Wing Commander (1999) Discussion > A STUDY ON HOW TO KILL A FRANCHISE


I originally played the games as they came out and still believe they have one of the most engaging and interesting plots for video games ever and am a huge fan of the original 'WC' universe (Privateer included). The characters are defined and facinating and the spin off novels are a joy to read. The three made for the game movies (III, IV, V) are fun, well acted and well made the plot and dialog (especially 'The Price of Freedom') is better then many Sci-fi shows and movies. I couldn't wait to see a big screen version of the series and when I did I was sorely dissapointed. I don't know what Chris Roberts was thinking and he admits he wanted to make 'Das Boat' in space. He distroyed his own fantastic creation which was basically 'Top Gun' in space by changing what worked in the games.

This was the death knell for a series that had potential for so much more. If you really want 'Wing Commander' play the games (although it would be imposible now to run it on current computer systems) Now that the Origin the company that made the games is closed down I guess there is no hope in revitalizing the story of having any hopes of a remake of the original game and game formula.


It is quite amazing that with all those story arcs, 10 or so games (privateer and secret missions included), several novels and a huge following that they could screw this up. It is too bad that origin closed they just don't make games like the origional wing commander anymore.


yeah I used to be a Big fan of wing commander. I used to play it all the time, I even watched the cartoon the was on USA network, sadly the movie did kill it,
I liked the last game the made Prophecy,they should have made peophecy 2!!not the movie..


While I'll admit that the movie didn't help the franchise any, I don't blame the movie for killing it. Blame EA for doing it, they're the ones who give the greenlight for any Wing Commander game. Origin had a number of possible Wing Commander projects, but they were never made because flight-sims were on the way out.

Looks like you forgot to take your anti-retard pills again.



"although it would be imposible now to run it on current computer systems"

Try looking for a program called DosBox. It's essentially a DOS emulator, allowing you to easily play dos-games in windows.

I know it works perfectly with WC1, and wouldn't be surprised if it works with the other DOS-based games in the series.


Yo wanna know how to kill a franchise??
Hire for director Uwe Boll.


As much as I'd like to blame this movie on someone like Uwe, I don't believe he had anything to do with this one... All Chris Roberts unfortunately.

With the success of his games, you'd have thought he'd have done better with the movie.
