Where's the next game?

How long has it been? Why do they keep making crap and not come back to Wing Commander they ended it pretty gay. We lost Blair and saw the re emergence of a new star in Lance Casey and the TCS Midway. I miss the games I got tired of playing the old ones already. If anyone wants to chat my AIM SN is JCoolNick.


You might want to head over to www.wcnews.com, the site that has the latest news on all things Wing Commander.

Just recently, Chris Roberts sent them a letter thanking them for still being an active community, and so on. He mentioned that he's been talking with EA about doing another Wing Commander game, whether it'll happen is unknown. I just wish he could have said something about the proposed TV show.

Looks like you forgot to take your anti-retard pills again.


The sad thing is, if I recall, EA fired Chris Roberts for Wing Commander IV: The Price of Freedom. Why? For going over budget. The game cost near $10 - 12 million dollars.

Wing Commander was one of THE games that made Origin a reknown company, and for me, it was the only game series I ever (impatiently) waited to get my hands on.

It'd be nice to see EA/Origin put out another Wing Commander game, but I doubt it would ever happen. =/


I don't know about him being fired. Perhaps he was, but EA's apparently talking with him about the possibilities of a new WC game, so maybe not all is lost.

Not to mention that Origin is more or less gone. EA sucked them up earlier this year, and EA just recently cancelled their latest project Ultima Odyssey X.

Looks like you forgot to take your anti-retard pills again.


Chris Roberts left EA to form Digital Anvil, the company responsible for the movie and the game Starlancer and a few other game titles.

Anyway, the main reason that there probably won't be another Wing Commander game is money. Like it was said, WC4 cost ten million dollars to produce, Prophecy also cost a huge chunk of change.

Gamers will expect the famous live actors in their Wing Commander which the series is now famous for (considering the games have better acting and actors than the film...) and that costs money that EA probably isn't willing to part with.

My prediction is EA is going to sit on the property until space sims are "back in fashion" then they'll force out a new Wing Commander to take over the market. As for right now the last few space sim games released by other companies have done pretty bad. EA isn't exactly hurting for money right now, especially with there sports titles like Madden under their belts, but there's no reason they'd want to throw down ten million on a game that might not sell well in the current market.


wing commander 4 which cost record 11 milion dollars to make made over 50 milion dollars in sales making itself one of the best selling games ever. and one of the greatest hits in EA history.
Unfortunatly EA has a HORRIBLE relationship with their developers so in the last few years they ripped apart and incorporated companies such as like Origin, Westwood and Bullfrog.
Which ofcorse ment that best of the talent left the company.
EA is everything thats ROTTEN in big game company management. They simply milk their licenced products to hell (EA sports, each game worse then past one) and ruining long standing ones (they refused to let origin make new ultima online becose old one is still making money)
So if Chris Roberts manages to buy back wing Commander licence, expect more games, if not, forget wing commander.


Perhaps. Chris Roberts said a month or so ago that he still talks to EA every once in a while about making a new Wing Commander game, but they pretty much sit on it, even if all he wants is for them to distribute it.

Looks like you forgot to take your anti-retard pills again.



Hell, I'd like to see a new game be put out, even if it's a rehash onto the GBA by Raylight.

Looks like you forgot to take your anti-retard pills again.


I'd really like a continuation of the story, but to ease our pains, maybe they can make another game based during the Kilrathi War.


The Kilrathi look more like turtles than cats in the movie. The films they made for the games were way better than this, and Mark Hamil was in them! The acting sucked doggie balls except for the French dude from Kiss of the Dragon. CRAP!

Die slowly, okay? We don't want you coming back alive on us.


I bought the 6CD version 10 years ago and bought the DVD version on Ebay and managed to make a 3 hour story from all the cutscenes that I thought were relevant good material.

Combining them took quite a bit but it's a better movie than Wing Commander itself ;)


Who needs EA?
We got Standoff and Saga coming down the pike, and Unknown Enemy was a hell of a lot better than SO, even though it used the same engine. :) Not to mention the Privateer remake and similar themed mod for Freelancer.


Considering he made the movie I doubt he'll do anything again.


Who, Chris Roberts? He's making another movie soon, I forget what it's called, but it's a WWI dogfighting movie about an American taking on the Red Baron.

But Roberts is still fairly active with movies, as he produces a lot of things.

Looks like you forgot to take your anti-retard pills again.


Just to clear things up; Origin went out of business almost 2 years ago.And www.wcnews.com has come pretty cool stuff.And if anyone doesn't know where to get old Wing Commander game, go to www.the-underdogs.org They have Privateer,Privateer Remake,Privateer 2:The Darkening,The Kilrathi Saga,Secret Ops,Armada,and Academy, and you can download all of the FOR FREE!!!!!!!


Personally I would love to see the Wing Commander games return, but there aren't a whole lot of space sims out there anymore. When was the last Star Wars space sim? It's all third-person shoot-em ups now. I did find a really cool mod for X-Wing Versus Tie Fighter that had an Empire-like New Republic versus the Outer Rim (complete with Grand Admiral Thrawn and Bel Iblis on the same side!) flying Wing Commander ships. Very cool- it is linked from somewhere on the www.wcnews.com website and I highly recommend it.


Last true space sim from Lucas Arts is XWing Alliance. Of course, WC wasn't developed by LA so that means nothing.

Perhaps someone might make a mod for it using Starshatter? Some team made a mod with every ship in the starwars universe... Heck they even put in the ATAT walkers.

Alas, there's no real market for space sims, last one to sell well was Freelancer by Microsoft. And that game used mouse and keyboard instead of joystick.

Things I want sequels for:
Serenity (not a game, this is a movie)
I-War II: Edge of Chaos
XWing Alliance


Freelancer was good I recently played that. The Freespace games were fun as well. What was the rumor about a Freespace 3 by some guy from Interplay but he was a real jerk I remember a bunch of people at wcnews hated him.


I've just read through this thread and seen several people making statements about how much "...Price of Freedom" cost to make, ranging from 10 to 12 or so million dollars.
I would just like to add, that in my opinion (although I firmly believe that this is a matter of *fact*, not opinion), it was: *WORTH EVERY SINGLE CENT!*
I have probably played hundreds of computer games since first getting my Amstrad CPC in 1986 - my first game was a Space Invaders clone called "Space Hawks"
Through all twenty of the years that have passed since then, there are very, very few games that have impressed me as much as WC4... It's definately in my top five of all time, along with Turrican II, Half Life, Frontier and F-19 (the specific order doesn't really matter...).
But yeah, like I said - Worth every cent

