MovieChat Forums > Wing Commander (1999) Discussion > The pilgrim cross springloaded blade...

The pilgrim cross springloaded blade...

Firstly - did a springloaded blade pop out the bottom of the pilgrim cross when the french guy was looking at it?

If so... why didn't he use it ever? That was the biggest gun on the mantel for me. He was even wearing it on the outside of his soldier suit when he went in to get the fuel cells from the alien ship, or whatever they were doing in there. It was the perfect time to stab something. Especially when the green dudes were popping up all over the place.

If not... what the heck was it?


Oh wait, I just read on wikipedia (so you know it will be reliable) that Blair used the pilgrim knife to kill the Admiral in the traitor subplot which was removed from the script... Maybe they should have removed the cross-blade appearance aswell... stupid.


The traitor stuff wasn't removed from the scipt. It was all shot, and then edited out after for various reasons. The film would have been better with it left in but there were some difficult editing issues the crew was dealing with.. Anyway, the novelization has all the traitor stuff in it too if you're curious of what was cut (since the novelization reads very very closely to the shooting script). Near the end, during the raid for the fuel cells Blair and Gerald have a knife fight and then Blair throws the Cross/knife and kills the Pilgrim Traitor.


so like
some where there is a "directors cut"
that is like an extra 5 hrs
like the mythic
"a new leaf"

that'd b like so so so kewl

if it were true

rats doivent laver les pattes
vor der Ruckkehr in die Kanalisation


that'd b like so so so kewl , if it were true

Hehe, it's not five hours... But it's also not technically a directors cut yet either. A workprint exists though, and yes I have seen it. Here's some screenshots we took along with the text from the missing scenes from the script:

The missing scenes wouldn't make it completely new, but there's a lot of context missing in the theatrical cut. Throughout the film there's little bits missing throughout much of the first half and a good 15 minute chunk of scenes in a big lump all surrounding the concom raid. The last 10 minutes or so aren't too different from the theatrical cut but because everything leading up to it is different the tone and feel of those scenes change significantly.


The film would of still had FPJ and laughable Kilrathi costumes, soo it still would have sucked.


FPJ isn't that great. I don't think his look or demeanor was that off for what was required of the character but he certainly didn't emote very well either. As for the Kilrathi, if we ever do see a general release of an extended version, Chris Roberts would like to redo all the Kilrathi effects with CG. He was just as disappointed with the cat costumes as we were.
